A Tragic Fate

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"Sneak into the masquerade party?"

Intriguingly, the rosy hedgehog repeated Sonic's words.

It was early in the morning, and Amy was about to serve breakfast for both the thief and Cream. The blue hedgehog sat across the table, sipping his tea while he stretched his fingers on the table, tapping them nonstop. The rabbit still hadn't come out of her room, presumably getting ready for her day at this time.

"Isn't it a great idea? Everyone would never know my identity as long as I wore a mask! I just need to find the crown room and take out the guards!" He exclaimed enthusiastically.

"What makes you think this plan will be easy? I heard about a thief breaking in last night from the king's announcement! There's no doubt that was you," she added, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"Now what makes you think it was me?" he asked teasingly, his ears flicking back.

His shoulders immediately jumped up and down when she slammed a newspaper on the table with a loud slam, causing him to yelp.

"You're on the newspaper cover."

He stared at the paper, then sighed heavily before glancing up at her. His ears perked up, indicating that he understood her meaning, and he took the papers, flipping through them.

He froze upon seeing his picture in the headline, a smile spreading across his face. He stands up from the table and clears his throat as Amy looks at him weirdly.

He read it out loud proudly, "A mysterious intruder broke into the royal palace and took out every guard with a strange mist, spreading out in seconds after breaking in! The guards don't seem to remember any of the thief's details, not even his appearance! Oh, I like where this is heading."

He adds again, "The investigation of the intruder will continue to carry on until he or she is found guilty."

He chuckles darkly, putting down the paper, and looking at her, "Hah! They don't even remember what I look like! See, there is nothing you should worry about, Amy!"

She put down her coffee mug. "How can I trust your word after this?"

"I am a famous criminal who always gets away with his crimes! What could be wrong this time?" he retorted.

"You're right," Amy conceded, sitting down next to him. "If anyone can pull off such a grand scheme, it's you. But if something happens to you, I won't forgive myself."

He looked surprised at her reaction. "Are you scared for me?"

"Not really," she replies softly, avoiding eye contact. "Besides..." she trails off.

"Besides what?" Sonic grabs his chilidog that was left on the table and chews it slowly, waiting patiently for Amy's response.

"...Did anyone else see you enter the palace last night? Other than the guards, I mean."

Right after Amy said this, he choked.
He continuously punches his stomach as he struggles to breathe and swallow food at the same time. Panickily, Amy rushed over to him with a frantic expression on her face.

Although he was aware that he had sworn to be honest and stay truthful to Amy (since she's an ally) before he even knocked on the cafe door a few days ago, telling her that he met the royal prince during his break-in is just plain wrong. This is all the more horrifying since the prince had vowed to kill on sight if they ever crossed paths again!

Hell, if he ever mutters the word 'prince' out of his lips, he could hear her hammer swinging in the air from miles away! Even though it isn't present with her at the moment!

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