30.Wielder of the Flame

Start from the beginning

Echo placed a hand on the side of Alona's thigh, squinting at the burnt clothing. "She was definitely struck with a lightsaber. There's another cauterized wound on her leg."

"Alona, can you hear me?" Hunter asked, tilting her chin up to look at him. Her eyes were filled with horror. "Come on, ner kar'ta." He urged.

"Her injuries are not life-threatening at the moment, I suggest we get moving before infection takes over." Tech determines, standing up and shining his flashlight down the dark hall.

Omega glances over at AZI, the droid shaking his head, the lights on him flashing like he was going to run out of power.

"Si-Sith Lord." Alona rasps, breaking free from Hunter's hold and reaching for her belt, only to find neither of her lightsabers were there. She turned her head around, the fog in her eyes beginning to go away. It was like she suddenly realized she wasn't the only one there. "Hunter, are you-are you hurt?" She asked, looking him over cautiously.

Hunter grabbed one of her biceps, the other hand wrapping around her waist and pulling her up from the ground. "I'm okay for now." He replied quickly, letting out a relieved sigh after realizing she was coming out of her unreactive state.

Alona looked down at her flesh hand and winced at the blood dripping between her fingers, then held up her left hand and closed her eyes, turning her head away. "Oh, nice." She whimpered, opening her eyes to see that familiar blonde head of hair.

She didn't want Omega to see her in this state. She could tell she was scaring the kid.

Hunter removed his red bandana, his brunette hair shifting more into his face. He grabbed Alona's right hand and wrapped the fabric tightly around her palm. "We'll take care of the rest of you when we're all safe, but for now we need to move." He determined, nodding to Tech and Echo, telling them to lead the way.

Omega came over and carefully wrapped her arms around Alona's waist, sniffling quietly. "I thought I would never see you again." She said quietly, a tear falling from her eye.

Alona pushed aside every aching, burning part of her body and allowed for some comforting energy to transfer to the child. "I'll always come back, Ad'ika."

Omega smiled before pulling away, running along with Wrecker, Tech, and Echo. Hunter wrapped an arm around Alona to support her as they quickly followed with Crosshair bringing up the caboose.

Alona's body convulsed with every step, causing her to lean into Hunter more and more until he was practically the only reason she was still standing. She fought with everything in her to not blackout again, to not cry out in pain. She couldn't be a burden to them...especially right now. They needed to get off of Kamino.

The floor jolted and began to tilt upwards, causing the squad to begin sliding down. "Hold onto something!" Echo shouted, reaching for the ledge of the wall. Hunter tightened his grip on Alona, grabbing onto a pipe with the other hand.

The others rush to get a hold on a secure object just before the floor is tilted at a ninety degree angle from its original state. Debris begins falling down the building and Alona ducks her head, doing her best to avoid getting knocked out.

Hunter's grip on Alona loosens, despite his best efforts to keep her held flush to his armored body. He grunts, his heart pounding harder the longer this goes on.

Crosshair loses his hold and begins falling. Alona gasps and pushes off of the wall, breaking free from Hunter's hold and grabbing onto Crosshair's wrist, her legs wrapping around the raised floor panel. She cries out in pain at the induced stretch of her ribs and glass-filled hand, causing her to nearly let go of the marksman.

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