"Not yet. But we did find an Imperial base built inside this mountain..." Hunter paused, staring at Alona. "We're going in." He reveals.

    "Wait for us! We'll help!" Omega's voice chimes urgently. She was itching to help out on the mission, Alona wished there was a safer way,

    Hunter shook his head. "Negative. Stay on the ship. You're our backup. Comms will be jammed once we're inside, so keep alert." He lowered his hand from his helmet, walking over to join Alona and Hunter. Tech follows and they crouch back down.

    The highly intelligent clone grabs his datapad. "I'll need to tap into the central database to pinpoint Gregor's location." He says, his fingers tapping on the screen.

    "There are entry points we can access in the lift shaft. That's our way in." Echo determines.

    As if on cue, the lift shaft comes all the way up to where they were crouched and Alona jumps on top of the elevator with the other three. Two troopers get inside of the shaft and it begins to lower deeper into the base at a quickened speed.

    About fifteen floors down inside of the base the group jumps off of the shaft and lands on the floor that had what Echo and Tech needed. They weave secretly through the dim corridors, safely avoiding any trooper encounters.

    They stop at a panel and Echo plugs his scomp in, beginning to turn it. Tech waits patiently beside him while the couple keeps watch for any Imperials.

    "Anything?" Hunter asks quietly, his blaster held tightly in his hands.

    Echo shook his head. "This encryption's new. This might take a while."

    A small pain grows in Alona's chest and she becomes weary, unsure of what the Force was warning her about. She placed a hand on her hilt, the cold metal cylinder still resting on her belt. "I don't think we have a while." She mutters, placing her other hand on her chest and starting to rub.

    Echo shook his head. "This doesn't make any sense. The muster report lists fifty clone commandos and a thousand TK troopers." He mumbles, continuing to search the database.

    "TK trooper?" Tech questioned, his brows furrowing.

    Alona matched the frown on Tech's face. "What the hell are those?"

Tech shrugged. "I'm not familiar with that designation."

Hunter turns to the clones working at the panel. "How much longer?" He asked swiftly.

The panel screen flickered and Echo's shoulders perked. "Found him. Cellblock 25, four levels down." The three clones and singular Force user ran down the hall in a rush to retrieve Gregor before they had the misfortune of finding out what TK troopers are.

Within minutes they had arrived on the floor, luckily only having to take down a handful of unsuspecting troopers. Alona jogged down to cell 25, smiling at the Captain through the orange shield barrier.

"Gregor, this isn't a good look for you." She teased, pressing the button to remove the barrier. "Rex sent us." She said as the three clones appeared beside her.

"General Skywalker." Gregor chuckles. "'Bout time. Let's move out."

The now group of five started down the hallway at a quick jog. They stopped around the corner, waiting for the squad of troopers to pass by before continuing their escapade. This routine continued on for just about every corner they had to turn. There were troopers everywhere.

But then they had to stop and examine the cluster of clones that had gathered together near their way out.

"They're gathered for inspection. There's no way past 'em." Gregor hummed, looking between his rescuers.

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