Y/N got up from the table, prancing to the kitchen to make herself another cup of coffee. She's been on edge. She has money, yes, but only to survive for a few months.

She sighs, tossing the cup into the sink, ditching the idea of wanting coffee. Suddenly her phone rings. She rushed over to it, thinking it could be a job that finally wants to accept her security offers.

She glanced at the caller's ID.


Her heart drops, but she straightened her posture in confidence. Y/N cleared her throat, accepting the call.

"Good afternoon, who's calling?" She says.

"Uh, Y/N, hi, it's me, Officer Laney. I would like to have a talk with you about your sudden...departure from Kyoko Prison. Would you like to come down and have a talk?"

Y/N got a bit excited. If she's calling then that can only mean one thing. That she might get her job back.

"Sure, I don't mind. However, I have an interview tomorrow and then another one after that. Can I come next week Monday?"

"Of course...take your time."

Y/N smiles, getting excited. She only said that because she doesn't want to seem desperate in any way.


"Yeah, thank you for your time."

"No problem." Y/N hung up and jumped in celebration. "Okay Y/N calm down. You don't know the real reason she was calling. Just...inhale, deep breaths."

However she couldn't keep her smile at bay. "Oh, I know just the person."

Y/N went to her call log and found Naoto's number. She called him, skipping to her room.

Upon second ring he answered.

"Finally calling huh?" He says.

"Yes. I just got a call from Officer Laney asking me for a chat at the prison next week Monday." She informs with a slight squeal.

For Naoto, he thought she was calling for something else. However seeing her around the facility is warmer than coffee.

"Oh, that's amazing. Think she's going to rehire you?"

"I don't know, but why else would she be calling?"

"Makes sense."

Y/N laid onto her bed as silence took over. Naoto didn't know how to end it without being awkward, but he had to try.

"Um...well...if that's all you called for I'll be on my way. It's lunch so, I have to get in as much rest as I can."

she sat up. "Really? Um...want to go for coffee?"

"Would love to but I can't really leave for lunch so it's coffee from the break room."

"I could...I could come down and join you if you like."

"Lunch would be over by the time you get here."

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