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                        Ancient History

As soon as I saw the flash I ran into the room nothing, I mean nothing could've prepared me for what I saw. Brilliant shimmering gold and silver danced around the room with reckless abandon. I thought Sera was damn gorgeous before but now she's like an angel almost literally. Her usual short silver hair was now a magnificent gold, it cascaded down past her shoulders. Her ordinarily stormy gray eyes were a glistening silver. Sera's entire body was shrouded in a glowing gold aura.

A pair of downy white wings sprouted from the small of her back She seemed to be holding an extremely iridescent golden long sword in her left hand and a halo-shaped shield seemingly attached to her right arm. When I looked at her I noticed a gilded star shimmering on her forehead. I've only ever seen that symbol in history books. "A  half Lightbearer, I thought they were wiped out ages ago." Madam Lu said, aghast. What?! Lightbearers? I'll have to talk to my father about this later. I thought, making a mental note for later. Sera suddenly began to fall, the shimmering light slowly fading. I caught her in the nick of time.

Sera was unexpectedly light given the strength she projects. Her wings had shrunk and were barely visible and the sword and shield had completely disappeared altogether. All that remained of her transformation was the golden star on her forehead and newly pointed ears. I carried her to the infirmary in the western quarter of the castle. Lady Maria, the head doctor told me to put Sera close to the window as the other beds were otherwise occupied with sleeping patients.

"Talk to me, who is this girl, and what happened to her?" Maria asked curtly. Maria and I were childhood friends so she's the only one besides Sera to speak to me in such a comfortable manner. I explained everything from when Sera and I first met, the banquet, and lastly the magic seer. Maria just sat there and listened. Maria was always an incredible listener. When we were younger and I'd had a nightmare the next time I saw her I'd talked for hours. Maria had listened the whole time.

"I've heard about the Lightbearers but I'd never thought I'd have a halfling as a patient." Maria sighed. Three weeks later I'd gone to check up on Sera to see how she was doing. She had woken up but was uncharacteristically silent. After notifying my father he instructed me to take Sera to the library underneath the castle to explain to Sera what happened to her and the dark history of her race.

Sera still hadn't said a word. When I asked her if she wanted to go to the library.  She perked up a little. That was the first positive reaction she had shown since the whole awakening fiasco. Her gray eyes lit up, and I could've sworn I'd seen them shimmer a little. After lunch, we headed towards the library at the bottom of the castle. It was a little bit of an awkward silence for a few minutes.

   "So," She began, My eyes widened at the sound of her voice. I turned to look at her. She was looking down at her feet. "Ever since I saw that seer you took me to I've been feeling a little different." She said, kicking a stray pebble. Well, she was different but I don't think she's noticed yet. Her usually round ears were slightly pointed and she was visibly taller as well as the glaring fae shining star mark on her forehead. She finally looked at me, her gray eyes brimming with a mixture of fear, anticipation, and uncertainty.

"Why are we going to the library anyway Atticus?" She asked flatly. Damn, that's blunt this is one of the reasons why I'm so comfortable around her. She doesn't sugarcoat anything she's honest and straightforward which is not a quality in any of the girls I've met. Honestly speaking it's pretty refreshing. "Well, apparently my father wants me to show you something related to what happened in the seer's room." I explained.

Sera's eyes widened surprised. "Yeah, I had the same reaction when I heard too. " I said, laughing. We arrived at the library and I almost didn't recognize Sera. As soon as she saw the books she was like a kid in a candy store. I even heard her squeal a little. Smiling I walked to the forbidden section at the back of the library. The book father wanted me to find wasn't the kind of book he wanted others to see because of the dismal truth it holds.

'The Dissension of the Lightbearers.' Was the name of the book. I grabbed it and a few others off the shelves and went to locate Sera. Sera was nose deep in a fictional novel   I knelt down to see what was so interesting that grabbed Sera's attention.

'The Lycan The Witch and The Wormhole.' Ooh! that one's a classic, I used to read that as a child. "So, What chapter are you on." I asked in the deepest and most alluring tone  I could muster. Startled Sera jumped, her eyes wide. When she noticed it was just me her face changed into a combination of amusement and annoyance.

"Well if you must know I'm on chapter five." She replied, cuffing me on the shoulder. Surprisingly, it actually hurt a little. I just shrugged it off and told showed her the books I picked up. "This might help you remember something as to how you're feeling at the moment considering the transformation thing." When I mentioned that all the playfulness in her face evaporated and she just nodded her head solemnly.

Damn, I really hated seeing her upset. "I'll tell ya what, If you can read these books by yourself I'll take you somewhere special. Deal?"

That seemed to catch her attention again. She smiled warmly and I could've sworn I felt a warmth spread throughout my body. I glanced at her forehead and the Lightbearer mark was glowing pretty strongly. It reminds me of my awakening and the dark eye symbol on my shoulder. Sometimes it tingles when I'm either feeling a very strong emotion or just practicing my magic.

"Deal!" Sera confirmed holding out her hand. I didn't know what this meant so I just looked at her. Suddenly she grabbed my wrist and placed my hand into hers a shook firmly. The shock from the physical contact was noticeably stronger than it was last night before the banquet.

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