
Start from the beginning

"I hate you." Tyra only grinned at him, looking up at the sun peaking between the trees to check how long exactly they had spent sparring in the small, hidden clearing in the Trikru forest.

Both knew the mocking words spoken weren't true. Loukas loved his sister more than anything, and Tyra knew he was a possibly expert swordsman, he only required some more time to adapt back to his body.

"I need to go. Do you think you can make it back to the camp on your own?" Loukas scoffed, he found it hilarious how Tyra ended up babying him more than he ever had with her, and Loukas was the older of the two.

"Depends, is your sudden need to leave related to your sky people lover?" Tyra swished her head to the side, spotting none other than her smirking brother leaning on a tree with his arms crossed.

"Have you been following me, Loukas?" He shrugged carelessly. He might have not been fully back to his previous physical qualities, but his teasing had come back full force to attack Tyra.

"I am just a worried brother who wanted to see where his sister kept sneaking off to at odd hours of the day and night,"

Tyra only rolled her eyes, beginning to weave between the trees toward the sky people's settlement. Only Loukas wasn't done with his teasing, and chose to follow her for the time being.

"Will I ever get to meet this mysterious suitor who has stolen my little sister's heart?"

"If I'm lucky, no." Loukas scoffed, rushing, so he was in step with Tyra.

"Do I get a name?"


"A description?"


"Give me something, Tyra. Even his favourite colour." Tyra let a smirk of her own replicate her brother's. Just like Loukas enjoyed messing with her, Tyra enjoyed messing with him.

"He is Lincoln's girlfriend's brother." Loukas stopped walking by Tyra's side, allowing her to finally free himself from his presence.

"That is not fair! I haven't talked to Lincoln since you were a baby begging for mother's attention." Tyra only shrugged in response, shooting Loukas a smile over her shoulder.

"Tough luck. I will see you tonight, older brother!"


Sneaking into the sky people's camp wasn't difficult for Tyra, either that or she had grown used to the process involving it. After all, if Bellamy left his camp to visit her, it left him in a much more vulnerable state than she would be by sneaking in.

First, she had to make sure Miller's father, David, was on guard. Ever since she had helped free him and his son from the Mountain, he was more than lenient to turning the other way and helping Tyra sneak in through the gates, so she could visit Bellamy.

Just like back at the drop-ship, she had to change clothes as to not seem too suspicious in the sky people's halls, but Octavia had been kind enough to gift her some of her designated clothes, even if they were slightly tight on Tyra's body, but she managed for a couple of hours.

Not a single one of the sky people batted an eye at her walking around the halls, all too busy dealing with their own thoughts to give her a second glance. Although, those who did recognize her gave her a curt nod in greeting or a wave, most being those she had helped rescue from the Mountain, though none of them ever uttered a word at the fact that there was a Grounder sneaking between their halls.

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