"Kook's not here, and what... is Tannie doing with you?" with three long strides he stands in front of you, "give him to me" he grits his teeth before snatching the dog away from you. This hatred is surely eating you alive but there is nothing you can do unless Hae Ri decides to speak up.

"Umm... He just came in my room and I carried him down with me, I know how annoyed and feisty you get without him." You say when he frowns taking a whiny Tan back with him. 

You feel sad watching the only thing close to warmth being separated from you until you see him stop in his tracks, turning slightly to you he speaks again, "my parents invited you and the guys over, probably they don't know how vicious you are now and I want it that way, keep everything to yourself, they don't know anything yet," his words surely put needles in your heart but you would not just stand there and listen.

"I'm not here to listen to the bullshit you put in my face every time, I don't even know why do you have to act like I'm a bitch, like always... I never did anything wrong to you, it's been years Tae...years since everything happened and I need you to move on now." you look at his face for any expression or just waiting for him to snap back at you, but he doesn't. 

He just stands there bewildered maybe processing everything you said, it's true that the incident happened years ago and it's true that you miss your best friend although you have the best equation with Jungkook that doesn't mean Taehyung doesn't mean anything.

Taehyung has been and will be always an important part of your life, as he was years ago. The bond you share cannot be mend this easily but you can always try right.

He was contemplating all the things you said and he would agree with one thing, that it's been years and he should move on but still in his head he was stuck at that exact moment where he thought you betrayed him. Lies and betrayal, two things he absolutely loathes and the two things he experienced from the people he was closest too.

"We need to be at least on talking terms, just to make it easier for our friends Tae," you take a step towards the shocked man who was still staring in your eyes with open mouth. "You hurt me with all the words and with everything going on in my life I don't want you to lose completely, you mean so much to me, even before when I used to L-" you stop yourself from saying or moving any further when you realize what you were about to say.

He was surely baffled with the confession you have kept inside for so long and maybe it's the tension going on or maybe it's the calm environment or maybe it's the fact that you two are left alone in each other's company after a long time that made you blurt those things out without hesitation.

Keeping the tears in your eyes, you flinch when you feel him taking a step towards you, "I think you had hurt me enough the moment you decided to side with Hae Ri, and not tell me a thing when I needed to at least know the truth." he says with one step forward.

"You hurt me the moment you introduced a new best friend in your life, I was the one you met first and yet Jungkook becomes the closest," a scoff leaves his mouth at the bitter memories of the times he felt left-out. He was aware that it was all in his head but still he didn't take it as an adult and rather talking to you about it, he hated you for the fact. And he don't hate Jungkook for sure.

And it was not like you were purposely close to Jungkook, it came out naturally after Taehyung and Hae Ri came into a relationship. The day he announced his relationship with her, you felt genuinely happy for him but deep down you knew it will eventually lead you to take a step back.

Like what girlfriend likes their boyfriend to have a female best-friend? even though Hae Ri was and is the sweetest and nicest human being of all, you just couldn't help but feel sad at how the things have turned for you and him. Being friends with a group of males seemed wrong in the eyes of society but it never felt weird among you, although you became more closer to Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung the most.

You sigh missing the old friendship and look at the man standing before you fuming with rage, "You were the one who distanced yourself from me, and now you say I hurt you with my words," his eyes well up with tears seeing the guilt and pain in your eyes, he could read you like Jungkook, maybe even better than him.

"No pain is less Y/N, pain is pain and you hurt me, real bad. It was like burning in the icy cold winter and everything around me was spring."

"Tae.. I-" you were about to speak but his hand in the air made you flinch, he was about to remove the bug from your hair but you thought otherwise, a single thought of him slapping you made you nervous and broke, and seeing you in that state made him shiver at the spot.

"Y/N," he says with a soft voice and your tears finally starts streaming down your cheeks, "you know I'd never do that, not even in my dreams for fuck's sake, it's you..." he says forwarding his steps to you to take you in his arms. He was devastated to even see you like this, to even think that he could hurt you.

And after what felt like an eternity you finally feel peace, feel home in his arms. "Shhh.. baby you know I would never slap you." his voice was calming and it definitely made you cry in his chest more. Which reminded you of the past. The simple hugs, his comforting words.

He didn't know what changed but seeing you flinch just because of him made a hard tug on his heart, if you were in other circumstance or even if you have not gone through that awful night he wouldn't have left you crying in the same spot. 

"I'm really sorry for the things that turned out with Hae Ri but trust me, I promised something to her and it binded me to not tell you or anybody anything." you say softly still tugged by his arms in his chest. You hands find a way on his shirt and you tug the material hard, finding it difficult to breathe, to believe that after all these years you can be in the close proximity.

"But how come Kook knew and I don't?" he questions separating himself from you already missing the warmth your hands provided, you feeling the cold air hit your torso not liking the wind and the distance between you two. 

Forgetting that you are somehow married, may it be fake, but still married right now.

"He came over unannounced when I was on a video chat with Ri." you don't deny the fact that you still keep in touch with her, why not? because he already knows about almost everything.

"I don't need explanations from you," and with that he stormed off, leaving you and Tan with the silence.

You get out of the trance when Tan started licking your foot making you awe at his cuteness.

You get reminded that you were looking for Jungkook, your dad was not picking the call and neither was the hospital staff. The last thing you wanted was to call Soo Hyun for this trivial matter, not after yesterday night.

Finally taking in the courage to text Soo Hyun, you tap on the send button and wait for his reply. You know you could've easily asked Jungkook for help but seeing how busy and pale he has become due to all the problems at his work you refrain from doing that.

Taking the embarrassing yet easy approach to know about your father's condition.

You knew everything happened their might actually be an accident and not your husband's fault but you were confused that why didn't he do anything to save you from the humiliation. You remember correctly him bein just a few steps away from you and still standing their with shock swept all over his face. Maybe he was too surprised to even move or maybe he wanted to but Taehyung beat him to it. 

You have always had a kind heart and positive attitude towards life, so seeing good in every bad thing has been your forte. You wanted to believe that everything that happened yesterday at the party was just a mere accident and not someone else's doing. But the smirk on his face which appeared for just a second didn't go unnoticed by you.

You were fighting the inner battles silently and you jump on your spot at the notification sound from your phone.

You read the message and annoyance took over you,

"I want you home in two days, I'm giving you two days to get your shit together... I hope you don't break off the deal and about your father... Come home and get the info yourself"


ARRANGED MARRIAGE || PART 1 (18+) ✅Where stories live. Discover now