The Princess & The Knight... & The Archer? Part 2

Start from the beginning


"I am your king!" You hear Airk yell and you shake your head at his idiocrasy. You keep an eye on both battles happening at each side of the fountain when you notice a movement out of the corner of your eye. It's the nice looking version of the Crone, the captured Princess of Cashmere, and she was sneaking up on Elora who was too busy with the Crone. You knew that Kit was supposed to be Elora's defender but she was locked in a heated battle with Jade against her brother and no one else was in sight. So you take of running towards the other princess and tackle her to the ground. She manages to escape your hold and grabs a sword that was laying on the ground. "How are you here and there?" You ask you unsheathe your sword and take off your sling. "Magic." Is all she says before charging at you and you accept that answer because that seemed reasonable. Your swords clashed loudly as she swung hers in a downward motion with two hands. If you were at 100%, this would have been the easiest fight of your life because it seems that when the Crone split herself, she kept all the magic for her form directly fighting Elora. And the princess version of her was mediocre at best with a sword.

But each time you had to use both arms to hold the sword to block an attack, pain was shot throughout your body, black spots danced across your vision, and everything was just so sore. "I thought this would be a harder fight." Princess Crone taunts as you roll to the side to dodge another hit. "Well maybe if this was a fair fight, you wouldn't be so cocky." You say back as you let out deep breathes. Dodging was better than blocking but it was still so taxing on your body. "Then how about I make it fair." She responds as she smacks you across the head with the hilt of her sword. "Wha-" Is all you can say as the hit dazes you before letting out a strangled scream. "There, no arm, no pain." You fall back against a wall and hold what's left of your arm to your chest, blood coating your clothes. "You bitch!" You yell at her as tears stream down your face. "Don't worry, I know how to make the pain stop permanently." She says as she brings her sword over your chest and you accept your fate. But the blow never comes.


"Hi." Kit says happily as she holds Airk's face in her hands, glad she was able to save her brother. "You're okay." Willow says from behind her and Airk just nods before sending a questioning look to his sister. "Who is that?" Kit laughs as she lets a happy tear slide down her face, she turns to look at her group of friends. "That's Willow..." Kit surveys her group, Boorman having just arrived covered in goop, just meant you and Graydon weren't here. Graydon for obvious reasons but you...

Kit's face morphs from one of pure happiness to fear. "Where's y/n?" Kit feels like she can physically see Jade's heart stop. Everyone else looks around confused before they get worried as well. "Y/n!" Boorman starts to yell as he turns and starts to look for you, everyone else joins in.

You can hear your friends calling for you and you want to scream, shout, yell, whisper, anything to let them know that you were just down this hallway, just on the other side of the wall, just right there... and just so utterly scared. You lost feeling in your body first, any strength you had seeped out of your body twice as fast as your blood, along with any warmth. You tried so hard to stay awake, so hard to see Kit and Jade one last time, to speak to them one last time. Maybe they would hold you close, let you know you did everything you could. Maybe they would kiss you, reassure you that they would always remember you, always think of you. Maybe... Maybe, maybe, was all you would get. You were so tired, falling asleep in the sand wouldn't have been the worse place you've had to sleep on this quest. No, wait, you weren't falling asleep, you were dying. But every time you closed your eyes you would see Kit and Jade there, laughing and happy with you, like a dream. Maybe that's the last thing you want to remember before you go, not the inevitable look of fear and heartbreak when they find you lying here, broken and dying. You use any last strength, life, that you had left in you to write the words, I love you, into the sand before letting go. They would be okay without you, it may take time but you've all always had each other, and this time it wouldn't be any different.


Willow's the first to find you, tears instantly gathering in his eyes. He could tell you were already gone, the rise and fall of your chest was inexistant and your eyes were still open in an unfocused gaze, unblinking. He walks towards you solemnly and closes your eyes, the others didn't need to see that, Kit and Jade didn't need to see that. He walks out the hallway back to where everyone was searching and waited for someone to notice him. He didn't want to be the one to say the words, to tell the group that not only had they lost Graydon but you too. It's Jade that notices something is wrong first, she was always so observant about things. She could see the way Willow had deflated, how he didn't move from his spot in front of the hallway, how he already had tears falling from his face and onto his clothes.

"Kit." Is all Jade had to say to get the other girls attention and they both started running. The sound of Kit's armour and sword clanging against each other was enough to get the focus of the other people looking for you.

Kit was the first to reach you, crumbling to the ground as she took in your state. Head down, arm gone, blood everywhere, no movement. She calls out your name over and over again, begging for you to wake up for this to be some sick joke. Her fingers digging into your shoulders as she tries to shake you awake like you were in a trance. It only fully registers that this was real when she feels Jade pull her back and into her embrace. The feeling of Jade's tears falling onto her shirt, cementing that you were gone and you weren't coming back. The two girls broke down together, you were gone. There would be no more trainings, no more late night conversations, no more sneaking Jade AND you into the castle at night when you returned to Tir Asleen. No more anything.

And the message you had written into the sand? Blown away before either could see it.

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