Tension, Tension in between us.

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Song title:Shameless.

Enid sat down on her bed, Wednesday sitting at her desk.

They have been dating for a couple of weeks. Hugs, cuddling,holding hands, cute nicknames- like mi querida and mon cachorro or my love and wends. Normal, harmless stuff. But they havent gotten past hugging.

Nowhere near kisses. It was awkward the first time they even hugged. Wednesday would refuse to ask for one, so Enid hesitantly opened her arms. Wednesday slowly took a step forward. She   slowly rested her head on Enids shoulder, waiting for Enids arms to engulf her.

Enid slowly wrapped her arms around Wednesdays waist, squeezing slightly as Wednesday let her hands rest on the small of Enids back.

"Enid." Wednesday snapped her out of her thoughts. Enid looked up to see a nervous Wednesday looking down at her. "Hi Wens!" Enid exclaimed, scooting so Wednesday could sit beside her. Wednesday took the invitation and sat down. "I would like to talk to you about us." Wednesday said. Enids heart skipped a beat. Did she want to break up? Did she want to stop this?

"Of course!" Enid exclaimed, sitting cross-legged and facing Wednesday. "I would like to talk about how we are in the- what the internet would call it- awkward stage of a relationship. I would like to fix that." Wednesday said, also facing Enid now.

Enid nodded her head, relief filling her body when she found out she wasnt losing her girlfriend. "How do you plan on doing that?" Enid asked, tilting her head slightly.


"Oh- that-okay uh...so.."

"I would like to say that i would never judge you, so you dont have to be so weary around me. I would never attempt to hurt you even though i am very passionate about murder. If i had said you could, you may touch me. Just remember to ask for permission before you do, or you would end up with a missing finger. And i would like to add one more thing. Dont be scared to tell me when youre uncomfortable or when you dont like something." Wednesday said, her eyes wide as she spilled the words the prepared.

"Okay, i could do that." Enid said with a soft and welcoming smile.

"Is there anything you would like?" Wednesday asked.

"Uh- i guess that i would also never judge or hurt you? But i dont mind if you touch me unannounced unless im in a really bad mood. Uh- i think thats all. But, if i could request something, can i just ask for you to be more..touchy? But not in a way you force yourself to just-like- be comfortable around me." Enid said nervously.

Wednesdays eyes softened slightly. "I agree and understand." Wednesday moved closer. Enid watched in shock as she cupped her cheek. "I have been wanting to kiss you for a while now." Wednesday looked down at Enids lips. "May I?" She asked, looking back up at Enids eyes. Enid nodded slowly, watching as Wednesday inched closer.

Once their lips met, Enid felt like she entered heaven. Blackberry flavoured chapstick mixed with strawberry lipgloss. Mint gum mixed with strawberry gum. Everything was just so...opposite. So...them. Enid moved her hand down to Wednesdays hips, cupping them softly.

Wednesday was surprisingly good at kissing, considering she had no experience whatsoever. Enid was shocked by her precision and how her lips moved against hers.

Enid was the first to move away, needing oxygen. "Wow- Wednesday.." Enid whispered, breathing heavily. Wednesday tilted her head. "Sorry it was my first time kissing someone,did i do good?" Wednesday asked with a small eyebrow raise.

Enid nodded her head rapidly. "So good." She said, pulling Wednesday closer.

"More?" Wednesday asked, her hand moving down to Enids neck. Enid nodded eagerly. "yes please.." she whispered. Wednesday stroked the side of Enids neck,  pulling her closer gently. Enid moved closer, tilting her head so their noses made little contact. Wednesday joined their lips together, gently moving her lips with Enids.

Enid hummed into Wednesdays lips softly, pulling her impossibly closer. Enid pulled away, panting. Wednesday was surprisingly also finding it hard to breath. Enid took off her tie and undid the first two buttons of her shirt in an attempt to rid of the lack of oxygen.  She helped Wednesday do the same.

Enid pulled Wednesday closer, attaching their lips once again.

"Wednesday? You in there?" A masculine voice said from outside their dorm room, knocking a few times. Wednesday pulled away from the kiss.

Enid panicked as Wednesday reached for the door handle. Wednesday looked like a hot mess.

"Xavier. What do you want?" Wednesday asked hurriedly,opening the door to see Xavier infront of her. "Oh.." Xavier looked her up and down. "A-am i interrupting something?" Xavier asked.

"What. Would. You. Like." Wednesday repeated, more sternly. "Oh-right- i just wanted notes for science.." he said nervously. Wednesday rolled her eyes. "I will drop it off for you later." Wednesday gritted.

Before he could answer, Wednesday slammed the door in his face. As she slammed it, Xavier saw a glimpse of Enid on the bed. Looking the same state as Wednesday....

"Wednesday, you didnt have to be so rude!" Enid said, shaking her head.

"I never liked him anyways. Hes a waste of my time."

"You dont have to like someone to be nice to them Wends." Enid said, watching as Wednesday crawled back over to her.

Wednesday raised an eyebrow. "Are you going to rant at me about how im so rude or are you going to kiss me?" Wednesday asked, inches away from Enids face. Enid laughed lightly before giving Wednesday a small peck on the lips. "Why do you expect me to start the kiss?" Enid asked teasingly.

Wednesday sucked in a breath. She placed her hands on Enids shoulders, pulling herself up. "Do you want me to start the kiss, Mi cachorro?" Wednesday asked as she pushed Enid onto the bed slowly. Enid watched her intently.

"Uh-i mean-d-do whatever.." Enid stuttered out, her eyes travelling from one eye to another. Wednesday smirked down at the girl. "Why are you stuttering,mi amor?" Wednesday asked, kissing her before she could answer.

Enid was about to answer before her mouth was covered by Wednesdays, resulting in a humming sound. Wednesday pulled away softly, kissing the dip of her neck. "Eres hermosa querida.(you're beautiful darling.)" She whispered as she kissed her neck. "Nunca diría esto en inglés, pero estoy tan feliz de estar contigo bebé. (I could never say this in english, but i am so happy to be with you baby.)" Wednesday whispered once again. This time she kissed a line of kisses up to her jaw.

"Eres mi hermosa niña.(you are my gorgeous girl.)" She said, watching as Enids face was confused but red. "I have no idea what any of that means, but that was hot." Enid said, giggling at the end of her sentence.

Wednesdays eyes softened slightly. "Te quiero mucho.(i love you so much.)" Enid grinned. "I know what that one means! I love you too Wends." Enid said, giggling at Wednesdays wide eyes.

"How did you know what 'Te quiero mucho' meant?" Wednesday asked curiously.

"I google translated it after you repeatedly whispered it multiple times when i first hugged you." Enid said with a huge grin.

Wednesday blushed slightly. "So every time ive said it, you knew?"

"Yup! And i fight the urge to hug you and tell you i love you too."

Wednesday closed her eyes and lied down on Enids chest. "Te quiero mucho. I love you. My love. Mi amor. You are gorgeous." Wednesday whispered softly.

Enid laughed. "είσαι αξιαγάπητος.(you are adorable.)"

"Δεν είμαι. είμαι ανατριχιαστικός.(i am not. Im creepy.)" Wednesday responded, rolling her eyes.

Enid sighed, closing her eyes. "Obviously you would know greek too,huh?"

"Σε αγαπώ.(i love you.) " Wednesday said.

Enid chuckled lightly.

"Κι εγω σε αγαπω Wends.(i love you too Wends.)"

1344 wordss!!!

Enid is the girl that i want to kiss...Where stories live. Discover now