How do i try, to get you off my mind?

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Song title: how.

"And you want to know what the best part is?!" Enid exclaimed, shaking the pink duplicate of the now Wednesdays snood. Wednesday stared st her, her eyes wide and her lips parted. She was gobsmacked to say the least. "I got one too!" Enid almost screamed, her grin face-splitting and her eyes squinted by her smile.

"We could wear them together," Enid wrapped the snood around her neck as she spoke "to class!" Enid finished off, looking at Wednesday with a hopefully grin.

"Oh-Enid- this is far too unique to wear to something like class.." Wednesday replied, looking down at the black cotton in her hands. Enids smile slowly dropped. "I suggest we wait for a more special occasion-" Enids smile returned on her face, nodding enthusiastically "-like a funeral." Wednesday finished, the smallest smile on her face. Enid stopped smiling, her face now a frown. "Oh." Enid responded, her voice bellow a whisper.

Wednesday looked down at the snood once more.  It was soft and black. Wednesday liked the black. But not enough to embarrass herself infront of everyone because of Enid.

"I suppose, if we ever do go out, we could wear them together. But i suggest you make something smaller if you want me to consistently wear it." Wednesday stated, clutching the snood harder. She wouldnt mind wearing it sometimes. But all the time? Enid was delusional if she thought she would even consider that.

"Okay.." Enids face visible shined when she thought of an idea. "Ooo! Friendship bracelet?! I could make you a really nice black one!" Enid said, rushing toward her bed. She put a hand in her draw, taking out a container full of beads, string, a pair of scissors and other items she couldnt see from her place.

"How about we do them together!? You could do mine i would do yours!" Enid said, her face glistening with hope and happiness. Wednesday bit her tongue. "You do understand i would not touch any colour other than white,black and grey." Wednesday stated. Enid frowned. "I guess i could make an exception." Wednesday mumbled. It was disgusting how she broke her own rules for Enid. Enid beamed, running over to Wednesday and holding out her arms.

Okay-not that many rules. She wouldnt break that rule again. No. Hugs.

"Still no?" Enid asked with a grin. Wednesday gave one nod before taking the box out of Enids hands.

"You would have to teach me how to make this stupid thing. I havent attempted it, and hoped not to." Wednesday said, her lips turning in disgust. "Awe, come on Wends! Its not too bad!" Enid said with a smile. Wednesday sighed. "Lets get this over with." Wednesday deadpanned, regretting saying yes.

They are currently sitting on the end of Enids bed as Enid talked.

"Okay-first tie a knot at one end so the beads dont fall off." Enid explained, showing her how to do it. "What kind? A sheef bend? Reef knot? Clove hitch?" Wednesday asked, watching Enid. Enid looked at her with a confused expression. "Uh-the normal one?"  Enid answered, confused on what any of those knots were.

Enid demonstrated the knot again. Wednesday hummed. "Ah, the overhand knot." Wednesday said, doing said knot to the string. Wednesday looked up, waiting for more instructions. Enid shook her head in disbelief with a small chuckle. "Okay, now, get your bead-" Enid picked up a black bead from the container, which was colour organised, and held it up for Wednesday to see. Wednesday followed, holding up a pink one. 
"-And put the bead into the string were the hole in the bead is."  Enid said, following her own instruction.

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