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Song title: snap out of it!

Wednesdays eyes had a problem. They kept moving toward that stupid, bright blonde across the room. She was currently painting things nails while ranting to him about school work. Her eyes were meant to be on her typewriter and focussing on her novel, but instead they were wondering back to Enid and Thing.

Snap out of it.

Wednesday repeatedly told herself. She needed to get this novel done. She forced her eyes back onto her novel. Enid. Why is she on my mind so often. For example-right now?! Wednesday was frustrated. So frustrated. Why is that stupid girl on her mind?!

"Hey Wednesday!" Enid said from her side of the room.

Speak of the colourful demon.

"Yes, Enid?" Wednesday answered back, turning around to look at the girl. "Gotten much done on your novel yet?" She asked, walking toward Wednesday. Thing was laying on Enids bed, waiting for the nail polish to dry. 

"No. Something had been distracting me." Or someone. Wednesday didnt say the last part out loud. It was embarrassing enough for herself to know that she has something for Enid, she would not want Enid to know that she actually somewhat admires the girl.

"Aw, why is little Wends distracted?" Enid asked in a teasing tone. She looked over Wednesdays shoulder. Nothing was on the paper. Enid raised a brow. "When i normally check in on you, you have like 3 paragraphs. Whats on your mind?" Enid asked, sitting on Wednesdays bed.

"Dont get your infuriating colours on my bed." Wednesday said,her voice filled with disgust. Enid rolled her eyes. She patted the soft mattress next to her. "Come. Tell me whats on your mind."  Enid said, leaning back on the bed, indicating that shes not leaving for a while. Wednesday bit her tongue. What could she say? Should she just say her feelings?

Wednesday hesitantly walked toward the bed, sitting next to Enid. Enid nodded with a small, comforting smile. Wednesdays stomach did flips. Her heart was beating in her chest. What has this girl done to her?!

"So, whats on your mind?" Enid asked.

"You." Wednesday answered simply.

Enid raised an eyebrow and a layer of pink coated her cheeks. "Uh- elaborate?" Enid asked, confused as to if that was a good or bad thing.

"Every time i look at you, my face starts feeling warm and my pulse heightens. When you are close enough that i could smell you, i want to bottle the scent and make sure i can make it so i smell vanilla and strawberry all the time. Every time you smile it makes me want to smile back. And when i think of you i want..." Wednesday trailed off.

She finally looked up at Enid. "I like you." Wednesday said in realisation. Enids eyebrows shot up to her hairline and she recoiled at the recognition and she blinked rapidly. "Oh-uh-w-wow..uh-" Enid watched Wednesday started getting redder and redder, hotter and hotter. "Do you like me back, Enid?" Wednesday asked, her eyes glistening slightly. Enid didn't answer, instead she nodded frantically. 

"Hm.." Wednesday replied, looking down at her thighs. "May i kiss you, confirm my feelings..?" Wednesday asked. She looked up to see a bright red Enid, her head bobbing up and down slowly. Wednesday shuffled forward, her legs on either sides of Enids. "Are you sure?" Wednesday asked. Judging of Enids bright red face and roaming eyes, she definitely wasn't ready.

Enid smiled and nodded.  Wednesday stared at Enid for a few seconds. She wasnt sure if she was saying yes just for the sake of it or if she actually wanted it. "What are you waiting for?" Enid asked with a small chuckle .

"Im making sure youre positive. You do understand the consequences of liking an-"

"For fuck sakes Addams, just kiss me." Enid said breathily. Before Wednesday could react, Enid pushed forward so her lips finally met Wednesday.

Extravagant. No other words could describe the feeling of Enids lips. Extravagant movement of her body. Extravagant hand placement. Extravagant noises they both made as the kiss deepens.

"M-Enid you didnt let me finish..." Wednesday mumbled against Enids lips. Enid pulled away. "Finish what?" Enid asked, her chest raising and falling at every breath of oxygen. "Finish my sentence. Liking me can have many consequences. One is that i dont love you like normal humans...Enid-liking me is a mistake." Wednesday said, starting to crawl backward. Enid stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. "I can take a little ignorance. And weird gifts. Ive been dealing with it for the past month." Enid said.

Wednesday shook her head. "No-no Enid you dont understand...Addams love their partner in...unusual ways. I don't want to put you through that." Wednesday said, taking the hand of her shoulder.

"Is that a challenge, Addams?" Enid asked teasingly. Wednesday grit her teeth. "Enid, im being very serious." Wednesday said, sighing.

"Me too! If i cant last a week with dating you, you will get leave me alone. If i can, i can have you!" Enid asked, crossing her arms. Wednesday liked a good challenge.

"Deal." Wednesday said.

Enid smirked before leaning backward.

Wednesday was going to make this the worst week of her life.

888 words

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