So this isnt just puppy love!?

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Song title:Me and your mama

"Wednesday!!!" Enid exclaimed, holding out her arms as an indication for a hug.

Wednesday took a step back. "Enid." She said simply. Enid just came into the dorm as Wednesday was getting prepared for extra cello time. "Is there a reason as to why you have a confused expression on your face?" Wednesday asked, her only hint of interest was the almost unnoticeable tilt of her head.

"Yeah, why do you have a black rose in your hair? Not that it doesnt look pretty its just-you never have any decorations." Enid said, a small smile following. "Oh. Xavier gave it to me at lunch. Eugene said it would look nice in my hair once i showed it to him. I took his suggestion, and it doesnt look as bad as i thought it would be." Wednesday explained. Enids jaw clenched and her heart visibly sank.

Xavier? Flower? Wednesday? Xavier and Wednesday shouldnt be in the same sentence unless it was Wednesday killing him. Xavier giving Wednesday a flower?! And Wednesday accepting AND putting it in her hair?! ON DISPLAY?!?!?!

"I think a white rose would compliment your outfit better." Enid said. Any excuse to get that filthy Xavier-touched flower out of Wednesdays hair. "Do you think? I havent seen a white rose in a while. It is winter, so i dont think its available as it appears early summer." Wednesday said.

Enids eye twitched. "If i find you one would you bin and replace it with mine?" Enid asked. If her tail was out, it would be wagging with hope. Wednesday nodded, unsure of why Enid would want that.

"Okay! Im going to be back soon." Enid exclaimed. Before Wednesday could even comprehend, Enids jacket was thrown over her, her shoes barely even on her feet and the keys to the dorm was in her mouth. "Lock the door for me, will you?" Enid asked on the way out. Her voice was muffled by the key.

She had no choice but to lock the door for her.


"Hello, Tanaka."

"Holy shit, Wednesday! Why are you answering Enids phone?!"

Enid had left her phone at the dorm as she left in a hurry. She still isnt back after 15 minutes, which is reasonable as she wouldnt be finding a white rose anywhere. Wednesday is always right. She wouldnt find one unless she flew to a place that was warmer.

"Enid has left her phone at the dorm. Is the reason you called so important that you had to call 23 times?" Wednesday asked.

"No. I just got worried about Enid. She always answers my phone within the 3 rings of my first call. Anyways- where did she go that she forgot her precious phone?!" Yoko replied.

"Hm. I dont not know where exactly, but she went on a search to find a white rose. She got rather defensive when i told her i put a black rose in my hair that Xavier had handed me at lunch. She said a white rose would compliment my outfit more. I told her she wouldnt find any. I think she might have took that as a challenge and rushed out to find one." Wednesday explained, still confused on the reasoning.

Wednesday heard a harsh slap. Face palm? "Oh, Wednesday, Wednesday,Wednesday... how can a person be so oblivious?" Yoko asked, sounding disappointed.

"Do not insult me ever again before i rip out your voice box, fry it and feed it to the werewolves so you could never talk again. But, please do tell me what im so oblivious about?" Wednesday said in a slightly confused manner.

"Wednesday fucking Addams. Enid got angry because the guy that has an obvious crush on you gave you a flower and you not only took the flower you put it in your hair! do i say this without outing her...shes... angry for a reason!" Yoko said hesitantly. It still didnt make sense. And Wednesday hated that feeling.

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