And soon, he was right in front of the door that had a black plate on it with Jeon Jungkook in gold italics words, he took a deep breath and after gathering some courage.. he finally knocked on the door as he fixed his tie and cost unconsciously, he had no idea why he was doing it.. most probably for the sake of disciplin. 

"Come in." The voice said from inside and taehyung treaded inside slowly as he greeted the man with a ,"good afternoon, mr.jeon. you called me here earlier."

"Good morning to you too have a seat." The older man pointed at the chair and taehyung quickly took a seat as he looked at him expectingly and also nervously.

"You are here a lot early than i expected you to, you are done with your lunch that quickly?" Was what the man asked him first as he didn't even look at him for even a second as he continued checking the tests like he was doing earlier as well.

"I'm done having my lunch, mr.jeon. will you not have yours?" Taehyung found himself asking as he tilted his head, earning a humourless chuckle from the teacher who shook his head.

"I have a tight schedule, today. So probably not. Anyways i called you here since your mom called me yesterday evening.. Regarding the extra classes." Jungkook started the topic as he left the pen aside for a second and planted both of his elbows on the table, linking his fingers in front of him as he finally looked up at taehyung with a straight face.

"Oh.. what about them, sir." Taehyung asked, since he hadn't talked to his mom about that yet and she hadn't really told him much about it.

"Well, she wants me to tutor you personally considering your grades in maths and science for the most part.. which i teach." Was what jungkook informed him first as he stared at taehyung who raised his eyebrows at that.

"Tutor me?.. i didn't talk to her about it yet. Could you elaborate, mr.jeon." taehyung requested politely and jungkook nodded his head as he started..

"Well.. since all of the sections extra classes are conducted altogether and there are around 56 students taught at once.. it's difficult for a teacher to focus on every single student of them.. and informed me that you have difficulty understanding that way but you understand it when you are taught personally.. and with more attention. So she requested me to give you personal tuition classes after school.

Now usually it's Namjoon sir who tutors a few students personally but it's only two classes per week that's why she wants /me/ to tutor you every week day since it's my subject you need most help with.

I have said 'yes', but i would still like to know your opinion if you want to be taught by me or not. You are allowed to say 'no' since your mom hasn't informed you about this yet." Jungkook announced to him before picking up his pen once again and continuing with his tests that needed to be checked.

Taehyung didn't know how react actually.. he didn't know his mom would convince his teacher for tuition classes.. private tuition classes instead of just extra classes that were conducted in school altogether. He didn't know how to feel about this because staying alone.. with this man sounded scary. Scary for what? He didn't know it's not like he's gonna eat him.. just in the class he struggled to keep his thoughts in check.. he didn't know what he would do when he's completely alone with the teacher, with no one around them.

But after thinking for a few minutes, he said.."yes, i don't have any problem with that." Why did he say that? Because the teacher taught really good and it seemed like he somehow always knew what a specific student needed in order to learn properly so this could be beneficial for him, and if his mom did this then it must be good for him anyways.

"Good. Now what i need to tell you is, the way Namjoon sir tutors is by going over to the student's place.. which i don't do. And i talked about it to your mom as well, so you would have to come over to my place, is that alright with you? Still a yes or no?" Jungkook asked the younger who looked like he had seen a ghost because..  he's fucked.

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