Melt the ice?

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I don't know what's going to be in this so if it's anything like that I will warn you!

*Dream's pov*

As we finished up eating and Geogre immediately shot up.
George: Let's go skate!
Dream: George I have my skies at home with all my equipement.
George: Then we'll just...why would you not bring it?!
Dream: I didn't know there would be an ice rink!
George: Yes! Because you're way too spontaneous and never plan ANYTHING! It would've been better for me to stay at home...
Dream: And what about the kiss? Was that not worth coming?!
George: No! You ruined it all! You're always so...AH!
George said as he started walking off presumably to the car.
Sapnap: Wait George! You didn't-...Bye...George...
Sapnap sat there sad that George didn't say goodbye.
Sapnap: Man I think you should talk about this...go after him. It's fine. See you later bro!
Sapnap said while saying goodbye.
Dream: Well then...bye Guys!
Karl and Sapnap: Bye Dream!
As I heard them say goodbye I bolt at George.
As I got closer I heard him muttering something...
George: No...Leave me alone...
It sounded like he was crying!
Dream: George! Are you okay? I'm sorry I should've checked if they had something new! Please forgive me...
George: No...I just- Nevermind... Let's just break up...
Dream: What?! No! George I love you!
George: I love you too, but I'm not in a position mentally where I can be in a relationship. Especially you... I'm sorry. I need space... I'll walk home...
Dream: But George...
I said with tears filling up my eyes as he walked away... Leaving me helplessly heartbroken.
Dream: I'm so STUPID! Why can't I just not mention the ice rink to him? I knew I don't have my stuff! But no... I don't think that's all... I guess he just needssome space then...

*Time skip 1 week later*
*Still Dream's pov*

It has been a week since George wanted to take a break... It has been very akward meeting each other daily at home... At least today I have a big hockey match coming up although George is going to be figure skating right after as the closing ceremony. It'll be hard to not be in love with every move he does bt he needs space and I respect that.

As I finish getting ready and get all my hockey stuff, I see George wearing his performing outfit while coming down the steps. He looks beautiful, I almost stopped to stare but thankfully continued on.
George: Hey Dream! Good luck on that game!
I was shocked he even spoke to me.
Dream: Uh thanks, I'm excited for your performance too...
I said while giving him a sad smile. He realised as while I was walking to the car he stopped me.
George: Hey...You'll do good, don't worry.
I nodded and we continued to the car, we sat in and drove off. The car ride was pretty akward for me at least. It felt like I was the one trying to get away from George... I mean it is true. I have to focus on the game!

We get there and we head inside. I see Sapnap and Karl and I run up to them, George following close behind.
Dream: Hey guys! Aren't you excited?
Sapnap: More like nervous! What if I slip?
Karl: Oh baby don't worry I'll be there to catch you!
Karl said while Nick turned a light shade of pink.
Karl: By the way George I love your outfit! It makes you look amazing!
As I hear George answer Nick comes up to me.
Sapnap: Hey can we talk for a sec?
Dream: Yeah sure.
Sapnap: How are you and George after the fight?
Dream: We... broke up... or more like taking a break George said he needed some time...
Sapnap: Oh no! I'm so sorry man! I'm for you if you need me okay?
Dream: Thanks man!
Loud speaker: All players enter the ice rink!
Dream: I guess that's our queue.
Me and Sapnap start heading towards the ice rink but George stops me.
George: First to fall looses.
He giggles with a wink. I feel butterflies fill my stomach, but I thoughen up.
Dream: Shall the best one win.
I say while winking as well and head towards the ice rink. I see from my side eye that Geoge turned a little red. I guess he still likes me? Or not...

We get into position...3...2...1...
*whistle blows*
Loud speaker: And the match begins! I see player 123 is approaching the goal!
As Sapnap got closer to the goal he shot, and it didn't go in.
Loud speaker: Oh such a shame would've been a very fast goal. 3...2...1...*whistle* I see there's 12 from the opposite team, they shot, and... GOAAAL! THE RED TEAM SCORE A GOAL WHAT A SHOT!
Everyone cheers as the red team celebrates. As the match goes on the red team constantly score and the green team have zero points.
Loud speaker: 3...2...1...*whistle* Oh! I see that someone from the green team is going for the goal! Player 22! They shoot, and...GOAL WOW THE FIRST POINT OF THE GREEN TEAM!
As I shoot the goal the cheering picks up louder then it was before. I feel proud, but it's not over yet. We continue on with the game, and it seems, that my team is trying to get me to shoot some goals. I'm up for the challenge. Every round we score a point and by the end we need one more to win.
Loud speaker: And player 22 gets the lead and goes for the goal...the tention builds up...he gets closer...3 seconds left...he shoots...AND SCORES! WHAT A COMEBACK FOR THE GREEN TEAM! AND THE TIMER'S UP! THEY WIN! This was one of the craziest matches I've had so far good job everyone. Now, we'll take a break and the closing ceremony will begin!
The loud speaker says as we cheer. My team picks me up as we walk out of the ice rink. I catch a glimpse of George cheering as loudly as he can. Maybe he still loves me.
As my team puts me down i start taking off my skates and pack away my stuff. I wait for Nick and we go to where George and Karl are.
Karl: Omg you guys were so good! And those tricks you did up there! I could never!
Karl giggled as he kissed Sapnap. I look at George now who looks red for some reason.
George: You were so good Clay! I MEAN Dream!
Dream: Haha no it's fine! You can call me Clay!
George: Oh uhm okay! Those goals you scored you were really concentrated! You looked kind of hot on the ice! I guess you just heated up yourself with all that runnjng huh.
Dream: Thanks! Wait...George...did you just call me hot?
I said in a teasing matter.
George: I-I was not trying to-I just-
Dream: No I know what you meant George. It was pretty hot there.
George: It did seem like it. You're still red rn.
George said while cupping my face. I felt blood rush to my cheeks. At least he'll just think it's from the match.
*text message ping*
George looks at his phone and sees a message from his phone.
George: Well I gotta go! But I'll be back oj the ice!
George says while walking to the other side of the ice rink. He also winks at me beforehand. I love this man so much.
Loud speaker: And now...let's welcome our olympic gold medalist figure skater: George Davidson!
Everyone claps as George stands into his starting position. The music starts playing. A slow and peaceful classical song. George spins and hops around while the audience just ooos and aaas. I look at him...he's so majestic! Then suddenly a fast song starts playing where George starts dancing hip hop?! He looked so happy! It was amazing to watch him have fun everyone was cheering him and clapping. I joined in. Then, George turned to me and started dancing to me and he winked at me. I just sat there like a tomato and smiled and clapped. The whole crowd was whistling and oooing. Then George motioned to go up to the ice rink. I motioned no but Sapnap pocked me and nodded. I put on my ice skates and while I was doing that, George was doing tricks to the audience. As I was done I went to the door and stood on the ice he realised and held me by both my hands and started pulling me to the middle of the ice rink then he started pushing me and we were skating around the ice rink hand in hand. Then he whispered to me.
George: I'm going to lean against you, just hold me up.
I did as he said and leaned against me and did a trick. Everyone cheered. Then he told me to go to the middle. Then he will skete up to me and I will have to hold him up and start skating backwards. I was kind of scared. What if I mess up? I went into the middle regardless and George started skaring towards me. I picked him up, he did a pose and I started skating backwards. The crowd's cheering has never been this loud before. George started giggling as I put him down. Then he whispered to me.
George: You can try a trick. But just an easy one.
He told me how to do it and I did it without a problem. I felt brave though and I did another trick a little harder. I fell. The crowd went silent. George just giggled and put out his hand for me. I took it and stood up. Everyone was cheering. We continued to do some tricks and finally finished it off.

As we went off the ice rink Sapnap and Karl was cheering crazy.
Sapnap: WOOOOOO! Guys that was amazing!
Karl: Yeah! You guys looked so cute out there together!
Dream: Yeah I kinda hurt myself though just a little cut on my face.
I tuch my nose and I look at it.
Dream: And a bleeding nose.
George: Come on. I'll clean you up.
George said while grabbing a hold of my hand. We started walking to the first aid room and I sat down on the chair in there.

1775 words
Well I loved writing this part, I hope you like it!

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