Who won?

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Another chapter! TW: fluff, maybe lime? Idk. We'll see.

*Dream pov*
As we walk out we see Sapnap and Karl heading to the scoreboard as well.
Dream: Hey guys! How was it? Were you spoooked?
Karl: More like creeped out! But I don't think it was scary right bubs? OR I MEAN Sapnap.
Sapnap: Yeah nothing scary.
I noticed that they were holding hands. I guess something happened in there? But then I feel George locking our hands together. I feel butterflies fill my stomach and my cheeks burn up.
Karl: Well how was it for you guys?
George: I think we agree on it not being scary right? Or maybe just a little...
I snap out of it. He got scared?
Dream: You were scared?
George: Well just a little. It helped though that you were there...
Dream: Oh so you feel safe around me?
I lean closer to his face, but the only thing visible on him is a blush. He doesn't lean back.
George: Maybe.
Then he kisses my nose. I feel my cheeks heat up.
George: But I think they finally wrote out the scores so let's check okie?
He says while ruffling my hair and smiling.
Dream: Okay...
I mumble and stand up while trying to hide my face. I see the confusion on Sapnap's and Karl's face, but thankfully they don't question anything. Then I look up at the scoreboard and see that it lists all the things we got a point for. Then I see...
Dream: Omg... George! WE WON!
I say while picking him up and twirling him around. He giggles.
George: Yes! We did!
Then I put him down and make our foreheads touch and I hold his waist. Then I realize what position we're in but before I could react, George pulls me in and kisses me. But not even a short one. A long passionate one!
George: We did great!
He says after we parted our lips. Our foreheads touching slightly.
Sapnap: Noooooo! Karlll we didn't winnnn!
Karl: It's okay baby! Maybe next time Karl says while pulling Sapnap in a short kiss. But wait...then are Sapnap and Karl dating.
Dream: I think we all have some explaining to do.
Karl: Uhh yeaah...let's just say that me and Sapnap are dating. How about you guys?
I look at George who looks at me and nods. My heart flutters from excitement and love.
Dream: Yeah me and George are dating as well!
Karl: Well I guess that explains a lot.
I think what? What have we been doing to make him know before we did.

After that we went out and realised it was dark out and all the lights were on. It looked like a fairytale!
George: Oooh Dream this looks amazing!
Karl: Yes! I don't want to go home now.
Karl said in a sad tone. I look at Sapnap who looks at me. We discuss quickly (with our eyes).
Sapnap: Well we do have to have dinner...
Karl: YAY! Let's go George! I want me some hot weiners!
I giggle a bit as Karl and George run off. Then I see that the theme park has an ice rink! I mean I haven't been on any hockey trainings for some time...
Dream: Hey Sapnap! There's an icerink! Maybe we should try it out after.
Sapnap: Yeah we can but if we don't hurry up some people won't be too happy.
Dream: You're right!
I say while I start to jog towards my boyfriend. As we arrive they already look grumpy.
George: We had to stand in this line for so loooong you didn't even acompany us!
George said while glaring at me.
Dream: I'm sorry we just saw an ice rink-
George: WHAT THERE'S AN ICE RINK?! We're going there next!
Dream: Okie Georgie.
I say while giggling. Then I realised we were next in line.
George: Dream what's the budget?
Dream: You can get whatever you want, we won after all didn't we?
George's eyes light up as he looked at the menu.
Sapnap: Can you get us food as well. Pleaseeee?
Dream: Okayy I'll invite all of you.
Sapnap & Karl: Yay!
Then Sapnap and Karl started looking at the menu as well, as we arrived at the ordering station.
Worker 1: Hi guys! What can I get for you?
George: I would like a hot dog with ketchup and mustard and onions and I would like some mini donuts with caramell drizzle on them.
I giggled at how greedy George was but I didn't mind.
Sapnap: I would like a hot dog the same as said before and a coke.
Karl: Same for me.
Dream: And I would like a hot dog as well. That's all.
Worker 1: Okayy your total will be 30$
I handed the worker the 30$ and we went to the pickup station as we all said goodbye.
Worker 2: Your order will be ready in a sec!
She said as she was placing the things we ordered in front of her. Then she gave me my hot dog in hand.
Worker 2: That'll be all. Have a nice day!
Everyone: You too.
I felt it was weird she gave it to me in my hand. But then I spotted a note.

You look very cute and I just wanted to ask you out... Eva

I read the note and showed it to George. He just laughed.
George: Throw. It. Out.
He sounded firm so I did as he pleased. I didn't want to text her anyways...
George: Were you thinking about texting her?
I looked at George confused. Did he really think this of me?
Dream: No! Of course not! I only like you and only you! I just feel bad about being mean...
George: You're not mean! You're taken!
George winked at me. I went a light shade of pink. Then suddenly I got a boost of confidence and kissed him passionately. He got surprised but kissed back immediately.
Sapnap: WEOO WEOO PDA. Get a room.
We stopped for a sec and pulled away. Then we continued eating our food while celebrating our victory...

1029 words

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