The party

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George and Dream go to the door. They look at each other.
Dream: Are you ready?
George nods and Dream opens the door. When everyone saw them they got split up. George's friends took him and Dream's friends took Dream. But then Dream stopped and looked back.
Dream: Guys you should really get to know George's friends. They are probably nice and I haven't met them yet either.
Everyone: Oh uhh okay...
They went closer to George's friend group and Dream cleared his throat. George turned back at Dream.
George: Yes Dream?
He said while holding a glass with alchohol in it. Dream started blushing amd tried talking.
Dream: So uhhh could-could you introduce y-your friends?
George: Oh yes of course idiot.
He chuckled which made Dream blush even more.
George: Karl, Tubbo, Tommy, Niki, Quackity, Wilbur, Captainpuffy, a6d, Mr Beast. Aand of course the other people from school who I don't know. What about your friends.
Dream: Well Georgie you already know their name but here is Ranboo, Sapnap, Skeppy, Bad, Grian and Mumbo.
George: Oh cool good to meet you all!
Everyone: Yes it's a plesaure!
Everyone started talking to each other. Sapnap and Karl went away, Karl was on Sapnap's back. Ranboo and Tubbo were dancing with Tommy. Wilbur and Quackity were shouting out of rage at each other. Niki and Captainpuffy were laughing at everyone. Grian and Mumbo were on the balcony talking quietly and Dream and George were on the couch. George had alchohol but Dream didn't because he had to drive home. George went a little off guard though.
George: Hey pretty boyyyy how you doooiiiiing? *hicup*
Dream: George I think you drank a little too much.
Dream takes away his alchohol and pours it in the sink.
George: Nooooo my driiiiink. By the waayyy where did my nicknames go Dweeam?
George said while leaning closer to Dream. Dream went red and pushed him away.
Dream: George you're drunk....really drunk...maybe we should go home.
George: Noooooo Dweeeam please!
George: MEE!
Dream: No George- uhh okay I'll play in case anything goes wrong.
The dares and truths were coming in hot, but then Dream got a dare...
Sapnap: Sooo Dream. Kiss the hottest person in the room.
Dream: But Sapnap everyone is drunk-
Sapnap: No! You have to do it! I don't care if you go away to do it just do it.
Dream: Okay.
Dream picked up George and took him to a hallway where nobody was.
George: Oh so you want to kiss meee?
Dream: No..I mean yes just not like this. Please could you just act like we did?
George: But what's the fun in that?
Dream: Pleease George!
George was silent.
Dream: Okay look. This is not the right time. You need to be kissed hard that you can't remember your name...maybe then you'll understand.
George froze and went blood red. Dream grabbed his hands and said.
Dream: So? Will we tell them we kissed?
George: Y-yes.
Dream, while still holding George's hand, went back to the room with the truth or dare.
Sapnap: Oh wow, you must be a very good kisser Dream. George is burninggg.
Dream: Yeah I guess. *embarassed giggle*
George: He-he is...
Sapnap: Well okayyy let's continue.
They continued the game but after a while it got boring so they just went back to the main room to dance. Dream went to get some orange juice but was stopped by girls who were touching him and talking sweet nothings and Dream couldn't get them off him. George saw this, stood up furious and went there.
The girls got scared and ran off. George grabbed Dream's hand and said goodbye to everyone.
Dream: George where are we going?
George: Away. Far away.
George got into the driving seat but Dream picked him up and put him into the passenger seat.
Dream: Look just tell me which way. You're not driving drunk.
Goerge: Okay....
They were driving for about 10 minutes when George said stop. It was 11 pm and they were at a park.
Dream: Why here?
George: Just want clear my head pretty boy.
Dream: *giggle* Oh well then.
Dream and George layed down in the grass next to each other.
Dream: You know George I'm not that big of a party guy I just came because of you.
George became concious and looked at Dream.
George: Really? Or are you just pranking?
Dream: Well you know you're amazing, right? And I know that you won't remember anything...
George: Oh I will. Don't worry about that.
Dream: you're not?
George: Nope I always remember everything.
Dream: Oh shit.
George: You're in deep trouble huh pretty boy? I will remember stuff and probably be embarassed so really it just doesn't matter.
Dream: Should we go back home?
George: Yeah I'm kind of getting *yawn* tired.
Dream: *giggle* well okay then Georgie.
They went back to the car and got in. In the first 1 minute George immediately fell asleep. Dream stroked his head and continued driving. When they got there he picked up George and put him in his bed. Dream took a shower and went to bed as well.

*4 am*

George walks into Dream's room.
George whisperes: Dream, can-can I sleep with you?
Dream: hmm what? You want to sleep here?
George: I had a nightmare...
Dream: Oh come on in.
Dream said with his morning voice. George got in next to Dream when he realised that Dream didn't have a shirt on. He went red and after that he could feel Dream hugging him from the back and under his hoddie. He went much more red.
Dream: Goodnight Georgie!
George: Go-Goodnight Dweam.
George realised what he said and turned more red which I don't know how it is physically possible but he did. Then they both fell asleep in each other's arms, dreaming about each other.

1021 words

Hello people! I'm sorry for making this short and just full of actions! If it's too fast tell me and I'll try and adjust. Until next time, have a nice day!

Ice coldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon