In the dark light

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Sorry for being away for so long. I've been having a lot of tests and competitions, but I'm back now. Enjoy!

* George's pov *

I wake up in the dark with just a spark of light...My head hurt...I was in a bedroom...I was on a bed...
I went to the door and tried opening it. It was locked. The window was locked as well. I looked at the desk, it had a letter and some food on it. I picked up the letter and read it:

Dear George,
I've kidnapped you and I'm sorry but I am in need of money and I know your family is wealthy. I hoped your parents would give a little fee so they could get you back. I know this sounds crazy and all. Just to make things clear, you don't know me but I know you, and that's probably because I'm the quiet kid and your the popular one but anyway. Yes you are in my room right now. I locked you in until your parents give the fee. The fee is a thousand dollars just so you know. I will be back soon just I had to do some stuff. I didn't take your phone, because I know you wouldn't call the cops because this is for a good cause... I left some dinner and water for you so you don't starve or die of thirst of course. I made it myself so I hope yo u like it. Oh and if you haven't seen it yet there's bathroom lofted from my room. Just keep safe...
Don't panic,
Your kidnapper

George was so confused. His KIDDNAPPER was NICE?! At least he could eat something. He was pretty hungry after all. His food was beef with cheese and pasta.

It looked and tasted much better than what he ate at home

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It looked and tasted much better than what he ate at home. He ate the food and drank the water. It was dark so he put on the light and went on Twitter.
Then he heard someone open probably the front door. He sat up and heard someone unlock the door. The person opened the door and went in. It was a very tall young boy with mid length blonde hair, emerald deep green eyes and louches lips. He closed the door and looked at George who was mesmerised by his looks.
*He was beautiful. I wanted him in my life. I wanted to be his. Nonononono! I'm not gay or bisexual or anything like that...but then what is this feeling. I've never felt it before.

While I was thinking about this, I didn't realize that he was looking at me confused.

*Nobody's pov

Kidnapper: Do I have something on my face? Orrrrr?
George went red and answered.
George: Uhhhh n-no no nothing...
Kidnapper: Uhh o-okay? So hi my name is Clay, just call me Dream.
Clay said while putting his hand out for a handshake, but suddenly George started laughing like crazy. Clay was confused.
George: S-so so sorry I *AHAHHAAH* I just just why Dream? *AHAHAH* Is-is it cus you-your dreamy? *AHAHAH*
Then Clay went closer and cupped his face. He was so close, that George could feel his breath.
Dream: Maybe..but it's rather a nickname because I always slept in lessons, but I kind of like the name sooo I just use that instead of Claəæy.
George went red but then started laughing at the british accent. Clay smiled and took away his hands.
Dream: Did you like the food?
George: Yeah it was pretty tasty...did you make more?
George went a light shade of pink from the embarrasment and gave a little giggle. Dream started laughing.
Dream: O-of course *chuckle* It's in the kitchen. You can come down if you want or I can just bring it up.
He smiled at George while George's heart melted from the look.
George: I'll go down. No need to be so nice, you've kidnapped me afterall. *giggle*
Dream smiled in a sweet way at George.
Dream: Okay then I'll be more like a kidnaãppeër. *giggle*
George giggled.
Dream: Come this way.
He motioned with his hands. They went down a staircase and turned right and they were at the kithcen. It smelled so good in there. George was so ready for another portion of that meal. Dream started putting some food on a plate.
Dream: So do you want anymore Georgie?
Dream said with a mischievious smile. George went a very dark shade of red because of the nickname and tried answering.
George: I uhhh y-yes ummm I mean that's enough.
Then Dream put down the plate on the island in the middle of the kitchen and opened the fridge.
Dream: So what do you want to drink? I've got apple juice, orange juice, monster-
George cut him off immediately.
George: A monster please if you have a blue one. Otherwise orange juice.
Dream: Okayyy a monster coming up.
He opened the monster and poured it in a cup. He prepared himself the food as well, poured himself a green monster, and sat down next to George. They started eating.
George: You know this is amazing! This is the best thing I've ever tasted!
Dream: T-thank you! You know, nobody has ever tasted my food before...
George: Oh... What about your parents?
Dream: They died in a car crash not too long ago... That's why I haven't been able to pay for stuff. That's why I "kidnapped" you. I was just in need of money and I knew you were rich.
George: Well I'm so sorry I-I shouldn't have asked you.
Dream: No it's fine.
George: Well the thing is you came to the wrong place for money... My parents would be happy to lose me. But I've got an idea. Have you sent the letter that has this kiddnapping in it?
Dream: No, not yet. I was too scared to do it.
George: Perfect! You can come live with us, sell this place and buy another place which I will help in with and get you started, or you can just come live with us until you get back up.
George smiled at Dream. Dream's eyes filled with tears.
Dream: That-that would be amazing. I..thank you.
He said while going to hug George. George went red and hugged back as tight as he could. They sat like that until Dream stopped crying.
George: So? Are you better now?
Dream: Y-yes much *sniff* much better.
Dream smiled at George while George smiled back.
Dream: So do you want to sleep here? Or should we go to your's?
George: Considering that my parents don't care about anything and that it's nine o'clock I'll be happy to sleep here.
Dream: Well in that case you have three options. I sleep on the couch, you sleep in my bed, I sleep on a matress, you sleep in my bed, or we both sleep in my bed considering that it is a two people bed we can fit on it.
George: Oh uhh I don't want to take away your bed!
Dream: Oh don't worry about that it's fine.
George: Well I don't want to kick you out of your bed so we can sleep together in the bed if you're okay with that...
Dream: Oh yeah that's totally fine with me.
After that they went for a shower seperately, and went to bed at eleven o'clock.
*3 am*
George woke up to the bed shaking a lot and sobbing from his side. He opened his eyes and saw that Dream was curled up towards him shaking and sobbing while mumbling some words and sleeping. George went closer to him and hugged him.
George: Shhhh. It's fine Dream. I'm here. Nobody's going to hurt you. I'll protect you.
Then Dream curled himself more and hugged George.

He continued sobbing and then after a while he stopped crying and they both fell asleep

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He continued sobbing and then after a while he stopped crying and they both fell asleep.

1330 words

I probably won't upload so often but I'll try once a week mostly on Saturday. Have a good day!

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