"You're right and I'm sorry. Me being high, caused me to put us in a position that we never should've been in. That right that was it for me."

"When I left you and went back Miami, that should've been it for you."

"I agree. You have every to be upset, I was so wrong for lying but Mya we're in a good spot now. That was almost a year ago don't let this put a dark cloud over us. I'm begging you."

She exhaled while placing her head in her hands. "I tell you my fears when it comes you and these drugs and you make all these promises to me about how you'll never do it again and I say okay. We keep pushing and it's like this just pops up randomly all the time. We sat in counseling. I told you about my past something that I wanted to keep hidden and you couldn't tell me about one pill Chris. Why? Am I that hard for you to talk to? I'm your wife, what are we married for if you feel like you can never talk to me?"

My eyes squinted and my head tilted. "Right back at ya."

She let out a small laugh. "You can't compare that. I never told you what my disgusting uncle did to me. Everything else you knew."

"Oh just like you told me you were starving yourself? Like stop the cap Mya. Neither one of us have been completely honest in this marriage and we agreed to work on that. But if you about to let this be the reason me and you separate then fuck it. I honestly forgot about the damn pill until yesterday because the only thing that mattered was that I almost hurt the woman I love." I stood up. "If we separate or whatever this time, it's no turning back because I'm sick of this shit. I came here to apologize but it is what it is. See you at home." I walked out slamming the door but I didn't walk away because I wanted to go back in there so bad. After fighting against it, I left and headed to pick up my kids.

Peace, all I want is peace.

Sherman Oaks - Later That Night

"Jade, bring your butt here and put on these pajamas!" Royalty yelled causing me to laugh. As soon as Jade learned how to walk, it was over. We have to chase her around all damn day.

"That little girl is bad." Landon said while shaking his head. We were chilling in me and Mya's room. Bam laid at the foot of our bed while I sat at the top.

I looked at him like he was crazy. "Look who's talking!"

"I'm not bad."

"Yeah okay Landon. You be in denial just like ya mama."

He laughed. "Where is mommy?"

"Working, she should be here in a minute."

"Good cause I'm hungry and you can't cook."

My eyes grew. "What? I can cook. Can't I Ro?"

She did an awkward laugh. "Sure dad, whatever you say." She finally caught Jade then ran out the room.

"See, she's going to lie to you, I'm not. It's a few things you can make that are kind of good but nothing tops mommy's cooking and Grandpas...well when he was here." Landon said and I watched the color drain from his face.

"You good Bam?" I asked.

"Where do we go when we die?"

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