"You have no need to worry Midoriya, your secret is safe as long as you provide me a reason to do so" Black reassured Midoriya

'So he is keeping it secret for something. I may not know why your doing this Black, but thank you'


The classes walked towards the centre stage in sync. The crowd cheered zealously for the incoming classes. And Hizashi was being his usual loud and obnoxious self, wonderful...

Once all the classes were gathered, Midnight was present on stage, many male competitors indulged in the viewing pleasure of her body until she whipped her whip and said "Time for the player pledge! Representing the students is-" Bakugou waited in anticipation for his name to be spoken, until someone else's name was said in place of his

"-Black from Class 1A!" Bakugou gawked in confusion at her words. Remembering what Aizawa clearly said before the sports festival in his mind 'Didn't Aizawa say I was the one to give the student pledge... WHY IS THE VILLAIN GIVING IT THEN!?'

Black exited the crowd with elegance, leaving an angrily surprised Bakugou behind with the extra's

"I WAS THE ONE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING THE STUDENT PLEDGE, WHY THE HELL DID IT CHANGE TO THAT VILLAIN!?" Bakugou yelled, only to be hushed by his fellow classmates


"Principal Nezu, may I suggest something concerning the Sports Festival?" Black said

"Please ask away Black" Nezu took a sip of a drink in saying so

"I have no doubt that Bakugou will be the one to be giving the student pledge in the sports festival. However, Bakugou's personality concerns me as to the words he will speak on the microphone" Black said

"You bring a good point, we can't have a student of class 1A throwing swears on live television" Nezu agreed

"I propose that you bestow me the honour of giving the student pledge. I understand that you likely gave Bakugou the position due to his high scores on the entrance exam. However, I have proven time and time again that I am calmer and stronger than him. If you discount my villainous aspects" Black explained

"That's quite a big ask Black, but considering that you've proven yourself I will allow it" Nezu said

"I would like you to not inform Bakugou of this change" Black added, earning a happy look from Nezu

"So you want to revel in his suprise? Granted!" Nezu cheerfully said

"Hey what did Nezu just agree to?" Nemuri asked his co worker

"I didn't know the devil could make a deal with the devil" Hizashi felt shivers down his spine


Black stood atop of the stage with a microphone in hand, all were waiting in anticipation to hear the black astronauts words

"I pledge to never hold back my power against you all. Whoever dares to stand in my path shall face defeat the likes they've never experienced before. As a student of UA, I will not tolerate a lack of effort among both my class and other classes. Let us strive to be the greatest of the great and show our limitless potential to the world" Black spoke, class 1A being rather surprised with how his speech turned out and had expected something more... inappropriate

"Magnificent speech Black. I couldn't have asked for a better representative. Now then, let us begin the games!" Midnight didn't waste a single moment and began

"This round is what you'd call a qualifier. Every year many drink their tears here!"

The gigantic screen visible to all was choosing the first game the first years would be playing "Now here is the fateful first game!"

Black Sun (MHA X AMONG US)Where stories live. Discover now