Chapter 03: Forest Full of Memories

Start from the beginning

Her heart beats a mile a minute. Her eyes brim with water threatening to spill. That doesn't matter. No seeing him again, nothing matters!

"Ugh- Okay, okay." Mo Hong Bao lifts both arms in defeat. He fists his hips, and hunches over, lovingly shaking his head. "Leave your grumbling looks behind else mommy will have both our tails. Let's not get in trouble again so soon." Peeking up with a smug grin he tempts, "If you hurry along, Daddy will carry you the rest of the way?"

Taking a larger step forward, Hong Luo's heart leaps in glee, ready to rush into her father's arms. How she's missed him greatly. She longs for that loving pat to the head again. She yearns for those safe arms to wrap around her, telling her everything's alright and all that she's experienced was nothing more than a dream.

A lonesome, heart aching nightmare that felt so real.

"Daddy. Daddy I..." A rustling of grass behind her cuts her tearful words short. Her gaze blankly looks behind.

Another shadow, more tiny in size, passes by Hong Luo. When she looks forward once more, that shadow rushes into Mo Hong Bao's arms, happily hugging his strong neck, "You promised Daddy, no take backs. And if Mommy finds out, it's not Luo Luo's fault. Luo Luo is innocent!"

"Ahaha!" Mo Hong Bao bursts into laughter, his head pulled back, shaking free his messy hair, wild and unrestrained. "Of course of course! Daddy's Luo'er is always innocent!"

The two laugh like mischievous squirrels finding a stash of nuts. The child mimics her father's deep laughter as best she can and the father, startled wide eyed, laughs even louder at her adorable attempt.

"How is my Luo'er innocent? Do tell, hmm." Unexpectedly a teasing voice full of heart trembling charm startles the father and daughter duo.

"Ah!" Both jump out of their skins and turn to face a stunningly beautiful face. Her long hair tied in a valiant tail with two strands resting against her cheeks, stern hooded eyes, a strong curvaceous figure wrapped tightly in thick black pants and a maroon long sleeved kimono shirt hiked up at the elbows, caught in the crease of skin due to her fisting her hips.

The tall muscular Mo Hong Bao grabs his bare chest, pushing aside his ripped to hell black shirt. Grievous eyes full of complaint fill with water, threatening to spill over to flood the world. "Good Heavens my sweet sugar plum, you really are planning to scare your husband so bad he soils himself, you can't fool me, you can't force my hand! God's my poor chrysanthemum is burning thanks to you!"

The woman snorts but inwardly feels helpless. She looks to the sky, crying in her heart at how cute this big loaf of hers is, those eyes, those damable eyes...she looks back down, her face still stern and eyes full of ridicule. "Where in lays my fault that you, a mountain of a man, can't control his own bowels? Perhaps it's hereditary?" She scoffs. "Those two old fools will have a field day with you, I'm sure of it."

Mo Hong Bao, who hates dealing with doctors, unexpectedly completely ignored the last comment. "No. No! Zen Yue, no! Do not compare me to my damn father! That old bastard and I shall not be spoken of in the same breath, least of all his loose chrysanthemum! Ugh! Just thinking about him steams my soul and burns my heart with the heat of a thousand suns! Oh heaven's help me, one of these days I'll..."

"Darling," Zen Yue, who knew she'd stepped on a landmine, pecks the side of those chattering lips, chuckling sweetly, "shush." If he didn't stay quiet, the mountains would flip tonight no matter how much complaining is voiced.

"Oh...okay..." Her heart flutters at his stumbling reply. So obedient she smiles against his lips. Her arms around his neck pull him down to her, making this oh so much more easier for her heart to dominate his.

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