Chapter 09: Awake

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Hong Luo blearily woke up, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Normally she'd have gotten up, cleansed her face, grabbed a few pieces of fruit, then crashed at her desk to fall back asleep. Then the chill from the window would wake her up, keeping her from doing as she pleased. Which would then push her into just staring into the sky again. Thinking about nothing.

But there was no fruit and there was no desk. The entire environment was not what she was used to and she had to lay there for a while, recollecting her thoughts, and trying to remember where she was.

Pat-pat, came a sensation on her stomach, throwing her into a dazing loop that twirled her eyes back and forth. She turns her head and comes face to face with amber eyes and dark as night hair.

And that was when it hit her with her eyes opening wide in realization, then squinting with her inward sigh. 'Right, I'm still stuck in this dream.'

Flipping her mood like a light switch, "good morning," she faked a brilliant smile, a hoarse whistle in her tone. He turns over her palm and writes good morning back to her.

She then proceeded to grasp his hand and check his pulse. After a few moments she nods. "Good," she felt relieved, "that pesky venom hasn't spread and is still calm. With how much there is, I was concerned a vicious spirit may have developed."

'So that's what it was, I had felt something painful and hot but when I woke up, it was gone,' he wrote out.

"Oh?" She paused to think, "That does sound about right. Perhaps the timely intervention stopped it? Regardless," she sighed and patted his hand, "it's good news. But- there is always bad news. Unfortunately for you, if you hate doctors, you'll have to endure for you will have to stay under care for quite some time. The full removal may take up to four years. The recovery up to six, and that is after all the venom has been flushed out. And that's not counting hidden problems that the venom may have covered up. If lucky, a total of six to ten years, if unlucky, your time with me will have to reach 15 to 20 years."

He didn't write anything back and just blankly stared at her.

A laughing smile curls her lips. Letting go of his hand she reaches out to tussle his hair, treating him like one of her disgruntled kids, and comforts him. "Don't worry, I won't have you stay cooped up the whole time. We'll go on walks, eat lots of food, check out the sights, and possibly even make some friends along the way. Ten to twenty years will be over before you know it, especially for someone as strong as you. Those years will go by in a flash."

Again he just stares blankly. He neither responded nor acted out any emotions. But then his head tilts and his eyes move.

"Hey Tiv what are you doing? Patients are to remain in bed!"

Startled out of her motherly aura, Hong Luo instinctually pulled her patient to her, and tried to glance past the leafy partition. A series of footsteps, rushed and stumbling were making their way over. A large shadow races into her peripheral.

A gray hand touched the partition. A head of wild hair and eyes the color of blood glared down, but then jolted after meeting gray eyes full of harsh judgment.

"Xiao Luo~, look who's finally awake! Tired of being a bed goblin you silly squirrel?" Those red eyes turned gray almost instantly. A teasing smile on his face, a naughty hand reached out only to be knocked aside.

"I'm not a squirrel Grand Uncle Tiv. But you most certainly are seeing as you aren't listening and deciding to be mischievous. —–But no longer it seems." Her eyes left her confused uncle to fall to Marvena who finally appeared, grabbing hold of Tiv's collar like a general ready to toss him over her shoulder.

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