46 - Epilogue

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'My heart is so full of you, I can hardly call it my own

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'My heart is so full of you, I can hardly call it my own.'

Three years later

"Baby don't leave me", Luca pouted like a child, lying down on our bed watching me get ready to meet Sof.

"I'll only be gone a couple of hours", I laughed at him, giving him a kiss and grabbing my bag.

"I'll be waiting", he said with a playful frown.

Many kisses later, I finally got out of the house and drove to meet Sof. I was so glad that Luca was more focused about me going away from him then how nervous I was feeling.

Keeping this from him has been so hard.

After a couple of hours, me and Sofia said our goodbyes and I drove back home. As I entered, it was quieter than usual and all the lights were switched off.

Assuming Luca was upstairs, I took my shoes and coat off and went up and into our room to find something on the bed.

It was a long black box with a note on top of it. Curious and admittedly a little scared, I decided to open the note to see what it says.

'I picked these out for you. I hope there is one that you like. Meet me in our spot, there's a car waiting for you when you're ready x'

Confused at all the mystery, I opened up the box and gasped. There were three dresses neatly placed inside, all as beautiful as each other.

After laying them all out and trying them all on, I finally decided on the dark red one. It had a plunging neckline with the dress being fitted around the waist and flowing out slightly reaching the floor. It had a daring slit on the side which usually I would feel sceptical about but looking at myself in the mirror, I smiled. Since we had met, Luca has always been complimenting me, trying to get me to see myself how he does; but now, looking at myself, for the first time, I could see it.

I felt truly and utterly beautiful.

Not wanting to waste anymore time, I grabbed my bag and locked up, getting into the car that was waiting for me outside.

I checked my phone for any messages from Luca but there were none. Intrigued, I looked out the window to check how long we had left.

We finally arrived and when the door opened, I was shocked.

Our spot at the cliff was decorated with lanterns, candles and fairly lights. There was a canopy set up, reminding me of the fort he built on the night he asked me to be his girlfriend.

I went closer towards the scene and inside the canopy was the man of my dreams wearing a black tux. He had his back turned towards me but I could tell he was nervous by the way her was running his fingers through his hair.

As I came inside, it was as if he could sense I was here and turned around.

He looked so handsome.

"Luca, I don't even know what to say. This is beautiful!", I said, still amazed at what he had done.

"Niente può essere paragonato alla tua bellezza (Nothing can compare to your beauty)", he whispered back, placing a chaste kiss on my hand.

Before I could realise what was happening, he was on one knee, one hand holding mine and the other reached for something in his pocket.

He reached inside his suit pocket and pulled out a black box, opening up to reveal an elegant diamond ring.

"I never once in my life thought that I would get the chance to meet my soulmate. I never believed that there was someone out there who was willing to look past my flaws and love me for who I am but then I found you. I thought that it wasn't possible to fall in love with you any more than I already do but every day you prove me wrong. You deserve the world and I'll try my best every single day to make sure that you get that. I look at you and see my future. You are my future. Please give me the honour of being the person who can love you forever. I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore; I want to be your husband. I want everyone to know I'm yours. I want to show the world how much I love you. Will you marry me?"

Tears were flowing down my cheeks and I couldn't help but fling my arms around him.

"Yes!", I said and that was all it took for him to lean down and kiss me.

It was perfect.

He took the ring out of the box and placed it on my finger. It was beautiful.

"It's beautiful", I whispered to him.

"Sei bellissima (You're beautiful)", he whispered back.

"I have something to tell you", I said to him, leading him to the edge of the cliff where we always sit.

It was slightly cold tonight and I forgot to bring a jacket so like the gentleman he is, he gave me his jacket.

The jacket.

"What did you want to tell me?", he asked, our hands entwining as we moved closer together.

"When I went out earlier with Sof, we didn't go shopping like I said we would. We went to the d-doctors and...I'm pregnant", I said, anxious to see how he would react.

"Y-You're pregnant?", he whispered, a smile forming on his face.

"You're going to be a mamma! I'm going to be a papà!", he said, putting his hands on my tummy.

"There's another thing...the doctor said it has already been 2 months and she said that it's twins."

I have never seen anyone so happy. He lifted me up into the air and spun me around, peppering kisses all over my face.

"Ti amo, mio girasole. E anche io vi amo entrambi (I love you, my sunflower. And I love you both too)", he whispered, looking deep into my eyes.

"We'll go to the doctors first thing tomorrow morning to check up on them and we need to tell our family! Everyone's going to be so happy! And we need to get things for their rooms! And we need to pick names!", he said, listing out all the things we need to do.

It's only been a minute since I've told him and I can already tell he's going to be the best father ever.

He's so kind and caring; everything I want our children to be. I can't wait to raise them with him.

"Why don't we pick one name each? I've got a girls name that I like already", I suggested.

"Perfect, I've got a boys name", he replied. "How do you feel about Leonardo Angelo Rossi, Leo for short?"

"Lo adoro (I love it)", I replied, my eyes tearing up with excitement and happiness.

"And if we have a baby girl, what about Luna Gabriella Rossi?", I said, holding his hands in mine.

"Dopo le nostre madri (After our mothers)", he said, his voice breaking with emotion.

"Perfetto (Perfect)."

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