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'And she finally gave up, dropped the fake smile as a tear ran down her cheek and she whispered to herself, I can't do this anymore

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'And she finally gave up, dropped the fake smile as a tear ran down her cheek and she whispered to herself, I can't do this anymore.'

I froze.

I wanted to run but my feet were glued to the ground. My eyes scrunched close, trying to hold back the tears that were building up, threatening to run down my cheeks.

I couldn't tell him. I couldn't put him in danger. I was already so close to death and telling him would definitely put a target on his head. My father had eyes and ears everywhere and I knew that if I told anyone, he would find out. He would find out and get angry enough to finally end my life. Plunge a knife deep into my heart and leave me there to bleed.

The worst thing is that he would be able to get away with it. He's a police officer after all. Who's going to go against him? All it would take is a fake note to make it look like suicide and the case would be closed. My father may be a monster, but he is smart enough to cover his tracks to make sure he would be exposed.

Through my blurry vision, I could just about see his face in front of me. His tightly closed fists were loosening slightly and his face which was evidently angry became more guilty looking.

"Fuck! Sunflower. I didn't mean to make you cry. I just wanted to know who that fuc-that person was who thought it was acceptable to do something like that to you."

We both stood face to face in front of each other, his taller frame towering over me. I wanted to tell him, I really did, but I would never forgive myself if something happened to him.

Looking behind him, I could faintly see a figure moving. Squinting my eyes, I could just about make out the blurry person strolling towards us, walking a huge, black dog on a spikey leash. Holding back a gasp, I recognised the mysterious male and I knew that if he saw me, I would be in a lot of trouble. It was my father's friend from the police force, who I knew would definitely inform my father about my whereabouts if he caught me here. My father wasn't the only corrupt man having a badge in his possession and I hated that people werent able to see the villains hiding behind the badges.

I knew that I would have to leave now before he sees me, but in the deepest part of my heart, I didn't want to leave this handsome stranger. There was something about him which made me feel safe and protected. It sounded crazy admitting it to myself but I knew nothing was going to happen anyway. It was in my destiny to suffer alone and I would never be selfish enough to drag someone down with me.

Snapping out of my deep thoughts, I decided to start the dreadful walk back home. Unfortunately, I didn't make it very far, as I soon felt a large, warm hand enclose itself around my arm.

"Where do you think youre going, bellisssima (beautiful)?", he asked whilst staring deeply into my eyes. Myself, on the other hand, couldn't even bear to make eye contact with him and quickly dropped my head to hide my reddening cheeks, too embarrassed and shy to meet his deep, brown eyes.

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