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'I don't believe in magic, the young boy said

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'I don't believe in magic, the young boy said.
The old man smiled, you will when you see her.'

Just as I was about to take another bite, my phone rang.

Looking at Liliana apologetically, I took my phone out of my pocket and checked who was calling.

"Mi scusi, amore (excuse me, love)", I said, with a frown on my face. I stood up off the chair and went out of the room, thinking of how I could cut this conversation short to get back to breakfast quicker.

"Ciao mamma", I said, already knowing what she was going to say.

"Buongiorno mio dolce ragazzo (good morning my sweet boy). How's Lily?", she asked worriedly.

"She's good. I'm trying to get her to rest as much as possible but she's like you, not one to sit around and do nothing", I said with a smile.

"Grazie a Dios ta bene. Quella ragazza merita il mondo (Thank God she's okay, that girl deserves the world)."

"Lo so (I know)", I whispered under my breath.

"I'm just calling to make sure you bring Lily tonight, if she's feeling well enough."

"I'll ask her. I need to go now, mamma. I'll see you later. Ti amo (I love you)."

"Anchio ti amo, mio dolce ragazzo (I love you too, my sweet boy)", she said before she hung up the call.

I went back into the kitchen and sat down in my seat, placing my phone face down on the table.

"That was my mamma. She was just reminding me about the family dinner tonight and she was asking if you would like to join us. Its okay if you dont want to come, she-", I said before she shook her head.

"I-I've never b-been to a f-family dinner before", she whispered to herself. If it wasn't so quiet, I would have missed it.

Since we were young, we always used to have dinner together and even when we grew up and I moved out, we always made it a priority to go back home for a family dinner every Sunday.

My heart fucking broke when she said that she had never had a family dinner before but it's all going to change for her now that she's living here. She's going to get every family dinner she has dreamt of and more.

"Sei sicuro tesoro (are you sure sweetheart?)", I asked, just to make sure that she was truly okay with it and wasn't just agreeing to make me happy. I didn't want to force her into a situation that she didnt want to be in. She really didn't have to sit awkwardly around a table full of my family and answer all their curious questions all evening.

I'm sure that my mamma has told them all about Liliana, but I still didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

She gave a shy nod and took a small sip of her orange juice.

"I'll get Sof to get you something to wear until we go out and get you more stuff, sì?", I asked her, taking a sip of my coffee and making a mental note to message Sof after breakfast.

Again, I got a small nod and we finished off eating in a peaceful silence. I looked down at my watch and it was still too early to get ready so I decided to ask Liliana if she wanted to go for a walk.

"Why don't you get ready whilst I clean up and shower and then we can go for a walk?", I suggested, collecting the dirty dishes. Considering she struggles with eating the average amount she should be at this age and height, she did considerably well to finish most of what was on her plate and I was so fucking proud of her.

"Y-you cooked, I'll w-wash", she said, packing the left-over food in the containers I left out on the counter.

"Amore, you just came out of the hospital. You relax and I'll quickly clean this up", I said, receiving a it's fine in reply.

Sighing at her stubbornness, which I'm glad she was comfortable enough to show, I started to wash up whilst she began drying the dishes.

To an outsider, it would seem as if we had been doing this forever, so perfectly in sync.

"I'm just going to take a shower; would you like to feed the dog? He should be in the living room", I asked whilst taking out a dog bowl and filling it with food.

Excited to see the dog again, she took the bowl with a big smile on her face and practically ran to the living room.

I swear she's more excited to see the bloody dog than me.

Great, now I'm fucking jealous of a dog.

I went upstairs and quickly took a shower before dressing in a black t-shirt, jeans, and a black hoodie. Clasping a chain around my neck and replacing my diamond earring for a black one, I sprayed some aftershave, slid on some more rings, and put on a pair of trainers before shutting my bedroom door and going downstairs to find my Liliana.

Walking through the hallway, I could hear her beautiful laugh coming from the living room and I could feel a smile coming onto my face.

She was sitting on the floor, petting the dog who had its tongue sticking out, almost as if he was laughing with her.

She never laughed with me.

The damn dog is getting more attention from her than I've ever gotten.

Her laugh hypnotised me and it was only until it stopped did I snap out of the trace I was in.

Her eyes were wide, as if she was caught doing something she wasnt supposed to be doing. I tried to give her a smile but it evidently did nothing to calm her nerves.

"Are you ready to go?", I asked, signalling towards the front door.

She gave a sad look to the dog and reluctantly got up, her gaze not leaving the overly sad dog on the ground.

He's a dramatic little shit.

As she was walking towards the door, the dog followed her and I didn't know if it was just me or did he look like he was going to cry. She looks down and I didn't miss the sad look in her eyes

"We can take the dog if you want", I said, concealing my disappointment. Every time the dogs there, she never pays attention to me.

Now I sound like a dramatic little bitch.

The smile on her face was worth it though. If she smiles like that with him around, we are taking that damn dog everywhere with us.

She put on her shoes and I made sure she was wrapped up warm in my hoodie before quickly running back into the kitchen. I grabbed my bag and put the leftover food in it before making sure the front door was locked.

We began to walk to the orphanage with Liliana by my side, whilst the dog was running slightly ahead.

"W-what's his n-name?", she asked in a small but curious voice.

"Forza", I replied, reminiscing the time when we first found the dog. It was a story for another time but I would love to share it with Liliana when she's ready to learn the truth about my life.

She's not ready yet.

I can't scare her away. I won't.

"Strength. T-that's a beautiful n-name", she whispered to the dog whilst petting him.

I wish me and the dog could swap places right now.

Shit. I'm going crazy.

I'm so fucking whipped.

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