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'If I told you about the darkness in me, would you still look at me like I'm the sun?'

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'If I told you about the darkness in me, would you still look at me like I'm the sun?'

Stefano De Campo was a tall man, must have been around 6'1, a couple inches shorter than myself. Liliana definitely didn't get her height from him. He was wearing a suit with a white dress shirt and a black tie. He had a similar shade of brown hair as Liliana and the same dark brown eyes.

Next to him stood a slightly taller man, about 6'2. He had brown hair and golden-brown eyes. He was dressed more casually, wearing a pair of blacked jeans along with a black t-shirt. Like myself, he had rings on his fingers and his arms were decorated with tattoos. From where I was standing, I could see a sunflower tattoo on the side of his neck.

My papà gave Stefano a hug, also giving my mamma a hug, before we all made our way over to the living room.

"This is my son, Matteo", Stefano introduced, looking over at his son and prompting him to introduce himself.

He seemed on edge and only gave a stiff nod in greeting, until his eyes met Gio's. I could tell that my younger brother was feeling slightly uncomfortable, as he was always looked at weirdly due to his different eye colours, so I stared back at Matteo until his gaze shifted elsewhere.

My parents and De Campo caught up on a few things but from the corner of my eyes, I could see that Stefano was getting angsty.

"Dov'è mia figlia? (Where is my daughter?)", Stefano asked, trying to look around the room for any traces of her whereabouts.

"She isn't here", I spoke up.

"Cosa? (What?)", he questioned, his gaze meeting mine.

"I said, she isn't here", I repeated myself, trying to get him frustrated to see how he reacts.

He needs to be able to handle his anger without getting into a fit of rage otherwise I would never be able to trust him anywhere near my Liliana.

"She's safe, sì?", he whispered loud enough for us to hear.

"Yes", I bluntly answered, not liking the tense atmosphere in the room.

"That's all that matters", he breathed out in relief.

"She just needs a little more time before finding out all of this information", my mamma explained carefully, trying not to reveal too much of Lilianas past, wanting her to be able to share it with her father herself one day when she was ready.

You could sense some emotions present on Stefanos face; however, Matteos was completely stoic and void of any type of feeling. The only thing indicating he had been listening to the conversation was the slight loosening of his fists and the barely noticeable unclenching of his jaw.

"Are you sure it's her?", he asked my papa.

He nodded with absolute certainty and showed him a picture of the necklace I had taken.

Stefano stared at it and within a couple of seconds, his face lit up and he couldn't contain the smile appearing on his face.

"She doesn't know anything about who she really is", he ran his hand through his hair with a frown.

"I'm going to tell her tonight and then it will be up to her whether or not she wants to meet you both", I said firmly, knowing that penultimately, Liliana will decide what she thinks will be best for her.

I'll support her in whatever she chooses.

I expected resistance from her father and brother but all I got was a nod of acceptance. Her father looked defeated but I could see the glint of determination in his eyes. I suppose waiting a few more days or weeks after waiting years would be bearable for them.

"I await your call", he said as him and his son stood up.

They said goodbye to my parents and brother and I walked them to the door.

"I just wanted to say thank you...for helping with my business. I promise I'll pay y-"

"Don't worry about it figlio (son). Thank you for looking after my daughter", he says, patting my back and giving me a smile before him and his son left.

"Mio dolce ragazzo (my sweet boy), you need to tell her today", my mamma said to me, placing her hand on my shoulder and giving it a little squeeze.

"Lo so (I know)", I whispered, slightly worried about how the conversations going to go.

I still had to tell her about my past and I wasnt sure if I could do it.

Looking at my phone, I realised how quick time had gone and it was almost time to pick up Liliana and Sofia.

"I'll drop Sof off", I told my parents and left to go and pick the girls up.

I parked up at the front of the car park and waited for them to come out. My fingers were anxiously tapping against the steering wheel and my hands were fucking sweaty.

Looking towards the exit, I saw the pair of them walking out and as soon as my eyes met hers, I instantly felt better. A smile appeared on her face as she walked towards the car, Sofia by her side, and they reached the car just after I had got out to open the doors for them.

Before I started to drive, I turned around and asked them how they both were. They both signed that they were good and asked how I was before carrying on their in-depth conversation that I was apparently too late in joining to understand what they were on about.

As I was driving, I could see her sneaking glances at me, as if she knew that I was feeling stressed.

It wasn't long until we arrived at my parents house and after promising that we would message when we got home, Sof got out of the car. I waited in the driveway to make sure that she got inside safely and then began to drive home.

"H-How was y-your day?", she asked gently, looking anywhere but towards me.

"Fine", I said, trying to think of how to start the difficult conversation when we get back home.

She must have understood by my short reply that I wasn't my normal self so she didn't push further and watched the view outside the window as we drove back.

I felt guilty that I wasnt speaking that much but I knew that I wouldnt be able to focus on having a proper conversation with her and she deserves my full attention on her.

I quickly parked up and unlocked the door, opening it for her to go in first and then myself, before closing it and taking my shoes off.

"Can we talk?", I asked her whilst leading her into the living room.

She looked terrified and then I realised how it must have sounded.

"Don't worry, its nothing bad", I forced out a small laugh.

We both took a seat on the sofa and turned to face each other. Forza leaped onto her lap and luckily she looked slightly calmer when she was able to stroke the puppy on her lap.

I didn't even know how to start the conversation but I knew that I had to get it over with.

"Enzo and Isabella aren't my real parents."

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