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'She's scared to get close to anyone anymore, because everyone who promised her they would stay, turned their back on her and walked away

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'She's scared to get close to anyone anymore, because everyone who promised her they would stay, turned their back on her and walked away.'

I had never felt happier in my life. My most prized possession, which I thought I had lost forever, had been found.

"I believe this is yours, Sunflower", the perfect stranger rasped out. His voice was deep and husky, one that would make girls melt and every guy envy.

Sunflower. The nickname made my tummy feel funny and it felt like it was being invaded by butterflies. I didn't know what this foreign feeling was and I had no one to help me figure it out.

My necklace rested delicately in his palm and it took all of my will power to stop myself from reaching over and grabbing my chain from his hand.

It seemed like he could read my mind as he moved his hand closer to me, signalling for me to retrieve my chain. I nervously picked up the necklace and attempted to put it around my neck but failed to do so. My hand was still throbbing in pain from yesterday and my arms felt too weak to bend around my neck.

I had only seen this man twice now and on both occasions, he had to help me with something. My cheeks little and I could feel the bright red colour coating my face, realising that he must think I'm some damsel in distress or something who can't do anything for herself. He cautiously made his way behind me and before his hands could touch the clasp of the necklace, his hands fell to his sides and he made his way over to face me.

"Is it okay for me to help you put your necklace on?", he questioned, looking directly into my eyes.

Tears welled up in my eyes, realising that he was asking for my consent. Even if it was for something small such as putting my necklace on me, it meant everything. Consent was something that I never had the option of giving. Everything that was done to me was done without my consent, I never wanted the things they did to me.

I gave a shy nod and thought he would go back behind me, however he stayed where he was standing.

"Words, amore", he gently commanded.

My mouth opened to try and say something, but nothing came out except for a deafening silence. Yet again, tears ran down my face in frustration and sadness; I couldn't even open my mouth to answer a simple question. I really am pathetic.

Suddenly, the man was on his knees and using the pads of his thumbs to wipe away the evidence of my tears away. I thought his touch would scare me but it did the opposite. His touch provided the warmth and comfort that I never knew I needed.

I could swear I heard him whisper something under his breath but it was too quiet for me to hear.

I was embarrassed. He was a stranger who was stuck comforting a weak and pathetic girl who needed his help just to put on a stupid necklace.

He stood back up and made his way behind me. He gently moved my hair to the side and closed the clasp of the necklace delicately. I could feel his hot breath dancing across my bare neck as his big, cold hands bought my hair back to its original position.

It felt as if I couldn't breathe as his large figure was behind me, making me extremely nervous yet at ease at the same time. The feelings I was experiencing were foreign to me and I didnt know what to make of them. My mind was blank and I couldn't concentrate on anything but his presence behind me.

He stood there for a second then returned to the spot he was sitting in yesterday, sitting down and staring into the setting in front of us.

Making sure that his focus was on the view in front of us, I took the opportunity to take in his appearance today. instead of the black jeans he had on yesterday, he had replaced them with ripped black jeans, with a silver chain dangling on the left side. He had on a white shirt, which had rolled up to his elbows and I could just about make out a small tattoo peeking out from his bicep. His wrists were adorned with silver chain bracelets and his long fingers were adorned with the same thick silver rings as yesterday. Around his neck was a simple beaded necklace which complemented the black stud he had on his left ear. His hair was messily slicked back and you could tell he had run his fingers through it a couple of times. A few strands came out and framed his face making him look even more alluring, if that was even possible.

Before he could catch me looking at him, I quickly tore my eyes away from him and focused on the sea below me. Like yesterday, none of us talked and the silence was welcomed. It wasn't in the slightest bit awkward, in fact it was appreciated, at least on my end.

Luckily for me, my injured hand was not visible to him and it made it easier to pretend I was okay. He didnt have to worry about a stranger like me. I just wanted him to think of me as a normal person. Someone who had a loving family, a bunch of friends, a beautiful house, life goals and wishes, instead of who I really was: a girl barely passing through life, secretly wishing that one day she wouldnt wake up to this hell anymore.

Time sped fast and before I knew it, it was time to head back home. I was especially dreading going back today as I knew my injuries from last night, or even a few days ago, were nowhere near healed yet and I don't even want to start imagining the pain Ill have to go through when he gets told I wasnt in college today.

Knowing that delaying my departure will do more damage than good, I reluctantly pushed myself up from the ground. From the corner of my eye, I could see the man standing up too and I immediately began taking off his jacket. He had already sacrificed his jacket to me twice now and he was probably freezing by now.

But what a mistake that was, because as I was taking off the jacket, my hoodie had lifted up slightly and the wound on my stomach became visible. I rapidly pulled my hoodie back down, thinking that I did it fast enough so he wouldn't be able to see it, but by the murderous gaze in his eyes, I could tell that he had seen in and he had questions.

"Sunflower, who the fuck did this to you?"

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