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'She made broken look beautiful and strong look invincible

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'She made broken look beautiful and strong look invincible. She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like a pair of wings.'

She threw her arms around me and buried her head into my chest.

The shock on my face was far too evident to conceal and I was too scared to even breathe in order not to scare her away.

She had willingly made contact with me and I wouldn't dare do anything to destroy her progress.

I would have waited forever for her to trust me and to see her make such a big step considering what she has or is still going through, makes me feel so fucking proud of her.

She began sobbing her heart out whilst clutching my shirt like it was her only lifeline.

My heart was breaking hearing her cries and I didn't know what I could do apart from comfort her by stroking her hair and whispering words of comfort to her.

Those fuckers who hurt her deserve all the pain and suffering in the world and I will make sure that this beautiful girl gets the justice that she rightfully deserves.

Once she calmed down a little, she began to rub her eyes in tiredness, her hands covering her mouth to try and conceal her yawn. I slowly began to remove my hands from around her waist before I felt her shaking her head in protest. I really didn't want to push her into anything and wanted her to feel safe, so I asked her if she was ok.

"Stai bene?", I whispered into her hair.

I waited patiently for a response but she only wrapped her arms around me tighter. I knew that the drugs the hospital gave her were having this effect on her and I really didnt want to take advantage of the situation. I knew that if she was in her normal state of mind, she wouldnt want to be this close to me, so I waited for her to fall asleep before placing her back onto the bed.

I made sure that her head was resting on the pillow and moved the duvet up to her chin so she wouldn't get cold before taking my place back onto the chair next to her. I decided to get some work done before she woke up, so I quietly grabbed my laptop and began replying to some urgent messages.

I must have fallen asleep too because when I woke up, the sun had set and it was dark outside. I look towards the bed and my heart stopped when I noticed Liliana wasn't in the bed.

I quickly stood up, shaking off the headrush I received and began calling for her.

It wasn't until I looked towards the corner of the room that I saw her on the floor tucked up into a ball as if she was trying to blend into the wall. Her head was resting on her legs which were tucked underneath her chin and she was just beginning to wake up.

Her big, brown eyes fluttered open and she bought her small hands up to rub the tiredness away from them. She looked confused at her surroundings until her eyes met mine.

A look of fear passed over her face ad I slowly approached her and sat down on the floor opposite her, making sure I maintained my distance.

The signs she was displaying gave me a rough idea of what she might have gone through, but I knew that what I saw when I bought her here was only a small fraction of what she went through.

It didn't take a genius to figure out why she has her walls up so high but I've had experiences in cases like hers and even though I didn't know exactly what she experienced, I understood how she was feeling.

That's why I started the business I run. To help people like Liliana, innocent people who have been abused and are unable to seek help due to fear of their abuser or the fear of not being believed.

Not only do I save people from the abuse they have been through, but I try and help them realised that they are not weak but incredibly strong that they survived. I give them money and a job to give them a new start at life, because no one should have to go through abuse alone.

No one deserves to get through it without any help.

Before I could spiral into my thoughts any deeper, I looked at the angel in front of me.

Anche la luna non poteva essere paragonata alla sua bellezza (Even the moon couldn't compare to her beauty).

"Why are you on the floor, bella?", I voiced out my thought to her.

She thought about whether to tell me or not for a moment before opening her mouth only to close it again after. I knew that she was still scared to talk to me and that was okay.

I wouldn't expect her to instantly open up to me and tell me her whole life story. I would wait forever to hear her voice again.

She was worth it.

I tried to rack my brain for an idea on how she could communicate with me more easily if she didn't feel comfortable speaking to me, until I finally thought of one.

'You can sign to me if you want', I signed, looking at her small form which was still tucked into the corner of the room.

If I wasn't watching her so closely, I would have missed the small nod of her head. She slowly rolled up her sleeves to reveal her small delicate hands and began to sign to me.

'I didn't think I was allowed to sleep on the bed', she signed, her gaze dropping down to the floor and a treacherous tear ran down her cheek.

It took all of my willpower to stop my hand from wiping her tears away.

Cazzo (fuck). Her father and his sick friends destroyed her self-respect, completely. She thought she wasn't allowed to sleep on a fucking bed.

I had witnessed so many horrific cases of people suffering from the after effects of abuse after we save them, but I have never been this emotionally attached to someone.

"Puoi avere tutto quello che vuoi e anche di più. Questa è la mia promessa, mio girasole. Non dimenticarlo mai (You can have anything you want and more. That's my promise to you, my sunflower. Never forget that)", I whispered to her, making sure that she knew every word I was saying was true.

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