Chapter Seventy - Two - Flames Of You And Me

Start from the beginning

"What are we going to do?" Michonne whispered to Rick.

"I don't know." He said, "We need to stitch it or he'll slowly bleed out."

"We have no needle, no thread, no bandages."

Hedley then got an idea, looking at the flames of the flickering candle. "We have to Cauterise the wound."

"Cauterise?" asked Dwight, who was nearby.

Carol was the one who explained, "Seal it with fire."

It was the only way.

Muffled explosions from above sent rubble and dust to sweep over them and was given a water bottle by Tara. He offered it to Carl, making the boy take a few gulps. All the while, Rick was heating up his knife using the flame of a candle, twirling it evenly.

Michonne and Hedley were on either side of Carl, clutching his hand. Carol was holding down Carl's injured leg, ready for what was about to happen.

"Hedley?" Carl spoke, fear in his voice, "This is going to hurt, isn't it?"

Hedley nodded, grimacing.

Carl let out a shuddering breath, letting his head rest against Hedley's.

"You're gonna be alright, Carl." Michonne promised. "We're going to get you sorted."

"I know." Carl said, smiling with closed lips.

Another muffled explosion and Hedley used his body to shield Carl from the falling brick of the sewers. Carl coughed and Michonne was quick to offer him more water.

"You said that Hilltop's safe, right?" Rosita asked Dwight.


"We need to get everybody there. We can get Carl there."

"And they think all of you got away in the woods. They're out there, looking."

"They saw us go West, so we won't go West."

"Your best chance is to stay here until they're gone." Dwight said.

"No." Daryl growled, holding Judith close as she tucked her head into his throat, "They find us here, we're dead."

"They're almost done." Dwight argued, "They gotta be. It wasn't about destroying the place. They don't have the ammo for that. After they let up, after they're gone, that's when we go."

Another muffled explosion.

"Okay." Rosita spoke once the ground stopped shaking, "We wait."

Hedley covered his ears with his hands when a loud explosion happened and Carl used all his remaining strength to pull him to his chest. Tara then got up, showing that she had Hedley's headphones. "I found these. Thought you'd want them."

Hedley didn't speak but he did nod when she gestured for her to put them on his head. She carefully placed them there and it allowed Hedley's breathing to become even again.

"You sure going to Hilltop's the best plan?" Dwight asked, "You got a better one? All of you in one place, together. It's not good."

"All of us together, it'll be their worst damn nightmare." Daryl announced.

Rick's knife turned a bright red, announcing that it was ready. Michonne took some clean cloth and placed it into Carl's mouth, she then brought his hand to her chest so she could hold it tightly. Carol pushed the teen's leg down hard while Rosita held his foot.

Hedley held his remaining hand, kissing Carl's sweaty forehead once more.

"Ready?" Rick asked his son.

Carl nodded, whimpering through the gag.

"Just look at me, Carl." Hedley whispered, "Just look at me."

Carl's remaining eye was wide and filled with fear. They locked in gaze and Hedley gave him a reassuring smile as his own eyes filled with water.

Just as another explosion happened, Rick pressed the knife flat over Carl's wound. His skin sizzled and Carl screamed through the gag. His entire body buckled and squirmed. Everyone held him down. Hedley and Carl's gaze remained. Everyone was crying due to seeing and hearing the pain. Hedley held Carl close, not caring that Carl was digging his nails into the skin of his hand.

Rick lifted the knife and placed it over the fire one more time, his own tears blurring his sight.

Carl passed out when Rick put his knife down a second time, the pain too much.

Hedley just cradled his boyfriend's head into his chest, watching the newly sealed wound as it hissed through the burning cells.


The Saviours were gone.

The explosions stopped.

But Carl was still unconscious.

"We need to get to Hilltop." Rick said, standing up. "But not all together. We split up into two groups. Daryl, you take a group and go through the sewers, you'll come out in the woods, head west. I'll take a group back up into Alexandria and find vehicles, if they're any left. We need to make sure the gates are shut or walkers will overrun the place."

Daryl nodded.

"We'll meet back at Hilltop."

"Okay." Daryl said, "Who do you want me to take?"

"I need you to take Judith and Hedley. Rosita, Tara, Dwight. And the most vulnerable of Alexandria. I'll take Michonne and Carl, Carol and the fighters of Alexandria. We need the manpower to seal the gates and put out the fires."

Hedley stood, "I'm not leaving Carl."

Rick went to him, placed a hand on his shoulder, "I know you want to stay with him but I need you to take Judith. I know you can keep her safe."


"Carl needs to be taken by car, Bug." Michonne spoke soothingly, "It'll be too painful for him to go by foot."

Hedley sighed, nodding, "I-I'll keep Judith safe."

"I know you will." Rick hugged the boy, "Help your dad keep our people safe."

"I will. I promise."

After hugging Michonne and Carol and giving Carl another kiss on the head, Hedley was ready. He took Judith and with Daryl, led his group through the sewers.

Daryl ruffled the dinosaur hat on his head, a silent praise of pride and it made Hedley smile.

"Oh, and you forgot this." Daryl said, taking a crossbow that was leaning on the wall. It was Hedley's crossbow. Hedley took it with a happy hum, strapping it to his back.

"Thanks, dad."

Daryl grinned, "Ya welcome, son."

(( Notes: Carl has not been bit, he is not dying. yay! :3 )))  

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