Chapter Eleven - Weird Kid

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In the prison's yard Rick, Carol, Daryl and T-Dog are getting the cars inside the yard.

"Alright, let's get the other cars in. We'll park 'em in the west entry of the yard." Rick said. Daryl nodded, "Good. Our vehicles camped out there look like a giant "vacancy" sign!"

"After that, we need to load up these corpses so we can burn them."

T-Dog sighed, "It's gonna be a long day..."

Hedley came out of nowhere suddenly, making T jump a little. The boy had his crossbow over his shoulder but what was really interesting was that he had a snake on his arm.

Everyone freaked.

"Get that away from him before it bites him!" Carol ordered Daryl.

"Where the hell did ya get a snake?" Daryl asked the boy.

Hedley pointed to an area.

"Put it down!" T yelled.

Rick's eyes were wide, "It doesn't look venomous."

"Doesn't mean it aint!"

"Put it down." Daryl said to the kid.

Hedley shook his head, hugging the snake to his chest. The snake just flickered his tongue before sliding up Hedley's arm further.

"Fuck, ya one weird kid." Daryl muttered before rubbing his forehead.

Rick took a step forwards, kneeling down to Hedley but keeping a good eye on the snake, "At least put it back. He probably has a home, and it doesn't wanna be gone long. And if it's a girl, she probably has eggs to look after."

Hedley tilted his head, unsure.

"You don't wanna keep her from her babies, do ya?"

The boy made a noise, shaking his head.

"Good boy. Go on and put the snake back."

Reluctantly, the boy did so, going over to where he found the reptile and carefully put it on the ground and watched as it slithered away.

"Where's Glenn and Maggie? We could use some help." Said Carol.

"Up in the guard tower." Said Daryl, eyes pulled away from the strange kid.

Rick frowned, "Guard tower? They were just up there last night!"

They all looked at the top of the guard tower.

"Glenn! Maggie!" Daryl called.

Glenn came out of the tower, he had no shirt on and was buttoning his pants. "Hey! What's up guys?"

The others laughed at the sight of Glenn. Daryl smirked, "You comin'?"


They kept laughing. Hedley looked at them with a confused head tilt.

"You comin'? Come on, we could use a hand!"

"Yeah, we'll be right down!"

Carol, Rick and Daryl walked toward the cars, still laughing, but T-Dog saw something and pointed it out - which made Rick's smile disappear. The two prisoners, Axel and Oscar, were out of their cell block, walking towards them.

"That's close enough." Rick ordered them from behind a fence. "We had an agreement."

"Please, mister." Axel said, "We know that, we made a deal." Hedley, Glenn and Maggie arrived when he said, "But you gotta understand! We can't live in that place another minute, you follow me? All the bodies, people we knew! Blood, brains everywhere! There's ghosts!"

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