Chapter Forty - One - New Kids On The Block

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(( Notes: The next few chapters have some of my favourite scenes so... get ready for a bit of hurt/comfort :3 ))) 

The group got ready to go to sleep, all deciding to sleep together in the living room. One by one, a member went to shower and refresh.

Hedley was struggling. He paced the room, flapping his hands, clearly not comfortable.

Daryl put his headphones over his ears and hoped it would help but it didn't. He just kept pacing, making noises of distress from the back of his throat.

Michonne came out from the bathroom, sighing happily, "How long was I in there?"

"20 minutes." Rick smirked.

"God, I could not stop brushing. Huh." She looked at Rick's smooth face, "I've never-- I've never seen your face like that."

The leader rubbed his face, "That's what I felt before and after."

She sighed, voice lower and quiet, "Look I get why we're playing it safe. We should. I just-- I have a good feeling about this place."

"Well, I hope you're right."

"Yeah, me, too." Her eyes went to Hedley as he started tugging at his hair, Carl gently getting him to stop by rubbing his forearms. "What's wrong with Hedley? Was he spooked by your clean face?"

"Ha. Ha." He laughed sarcastically, "No. I think he's having trouble adjusting."

A spark then twinkled in Carl's eyes as he began to gather up the spare pillows and blankets before taking the chairs out from under the table. He then made a little nest of soft pillows under it before throwing a sheet over the table, letting it drape down like a little tent.

He'd made a little safe comfort fort.

Everyone watched as Carl eased Hedley inside and soon the whimpering stopped and peeking through the drapes of the blanket was Hedley now buried in a blanket while Carl rubbed his back and head soothingly, the boys finally settled.

Merle saw this and cuddled up to Carol - who scowled at him. "What?" He said, "Hedley can have a cuddle buddy but not ol' Merle?"

"You stink." She joked.

"I took a shower."

"You still stink."

"Next time, you should come with and make sure I-"

Daryl threw a pillow at him, "Gross, bro. Shut up!"

"You're just jealous, Darylina." The Dixons continued to bicker, keeping everyone amused.

A knock at the door sent everyone silent.

Rick opened it and in came Deanna.

"Rick, I-- - Wow." She had to look at him twice, "I didn't know what was under there. Listen, I don't mean to interrupt. I just wanted to stop by and see how you were all settling. Oh, my." She scanned the room, "Staying together. Smart."

"No one said we couldn't."

"You said you're a family. Absolutely amazing to me how people with completely different backgrounds and nothing in common can become that. Don't you think?"

"Everybody said you gave them jobs."

"Mm-hmm. Yeah. Part of this place. Looks like the communists won after all."

Rick raised an eyebrow, "Well, you didn't give me one."

"I have. I just haven't told you yet. Same with Michonne. I'm closing in on something for Sasha. And I'm just trying to figure the younger Mr Dixon out, but I will." She looked back at him, smiling, "You look good."

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