House Chores

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A fifteen year old boy pout as he saw the not so thick rectangle thing with full of words ended.

"That was so good!" He gets up at the beanbag as he stretch his both arms up high. Then opening of door was heard and saw his both parents coming in.

"Fathers!" He run to go hug the taller guy and a bit tall guy too, snuggling his warmth to both of them. "How was your stay in jeju?" He ask.

The taller guy pat his head and a bunny smile appear on his face. "It was great.. we had fun" he said as he side eye the guy beside him that came out as his 'lover'.

"Ahh! Soobin don't look at me like that!" The guy beside soobin exclaims as he put his whole palm to soobin's face.

Soobin laugh. "Okay okay sorry junie~" soobin coos and wrap his both arms to yeonjun's as he hug the older tightly.

The teenager infront of them cleard his throat that the both male laugh at. "How's our baby?" Yeonjun baby talks that got their son cringe but play with it.

"I'm fine paps" yeonjun widen his eyes. His son's mature deep voice echoed his ears.

"What do you mean by paps!? Boy i-"

"Shut it love he can call us whatever he wants"


"Yes so-"

"Okay then soobin it i-"

"BE RESPECTFUL YOU SON OF-" yeonjun put his both arms to encircle to soobin's chest as he stop soobin from being mad or short tempered, while their son is laughing out loud and now collapsing on the floor, full of laughters in his lungs.


"Say sorry to your father" yeonjun said as he look at their son that is sitting at the beanbag lowered his head.

"S-sorry dad.." soobin and yeonjun soften and quickly embrace their son. "Aw your such a cutie, yknow~" yeonjun baby talks again, while soobin pat his head.

"So what did you do this whole week bijun, hm?" Soobin ask. Bijun look to his side, where soobin is and a secs he grab something under the beanbag.

"This!" Bijun take out a book that is not so thick and show it. Yeonjun and soobin cross some glance.

"Ah.. The book is from..?"

"junniechoi!" Bijun shouted.


"That's all?"


"So what do you want me to title this book?"

The both male look at eachother and stare at the woman infront of them as they speak in same unison. "House Chores".

A smile appears on her face. "Good choice, so.. mind telling me why?"

"because.. we wouldn't met without this arrangement because of yeonjun doesn't know how to do single house chores" soobin chuckle as he give a quick glance at yeonjun on the side, sitting beside him. "And we are still in a thick state in our company if I wouldn't see yeonjun's good side, what I meant is.."

"We manage to feel the gush of love at first sight and that... that change everything between us"

Yeonjun beside him clung to soobin's arms and a giggle he release. "That's true.. maybe, just maybe we are really meant to be, hm?"

I chuckle and point my pen to both of them. "More than meant to be".


"I'll publish this soon"



"Huh, j-junniechoi?"


"And why is that?"

"Cause your story are my first published"

The couple look at me with a smile on their faces. "wow.. just wow, thankyou" yeonjun chuckle as we shake hands. "It's my pleasure"


"It says it published eleven years ago, I like your story!" Bijun happily tell his point of view to the story that he just read and just ended reading while ago.

"Yes.. eleven years and still, our love is fresh like a new born baby" soobin speak, and reach the other side to caress yeonjun's back hair strand.

"Awhhh!!!, I wish I can find someone like papa soobin!" Bijun wished that his both parents laugh about.

"Might be hard because your father is rare in this world" yeonjun chuckle receiving the same in soobin, while their son thought about it.

Yeonjun and soobin adopt a 3 year old handsome kid at the centre because you know men's can't get pregnant but maybe in other alternate universe maybe they can, but in my universe they are just a loving couple with a cute and handsome son.

Yeonjun wants a kid so badly that he beg soobin to adopt and so he did and that is Choi Bijun, their very first treasure.

They take care of bijun so well, like their relationship so that's why bijun grow healthy looking and ofcourse visualist. Yeonjun once request that he wanna get a girl so he have someone to buy a very cute things.

And soobin on behalf, will never disagree because in whatever plan yeonjun was setting, he is always there, supporting him.

And so after 2 months they adopt a pretty girl, named, Choi Jinnie. A 2 year old pretty girl. Bijun was happy and he's ready to take care of his baby sister.

Happy family it is and now a very good news is, yeonjun knows how to do a house chores that he's parents is surely so happy about but more happy for their family.

I guess this is also my farewell, my au now reach the end, thankyou.



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