[8] What if it is real?

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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

".. I miss you.. " the hazel haired woman stated.

"Me too.." the black haired man said as he is struggling to look at her.

"Can you look at me?" She ask tilting her head to the side to face him that is looking at widows driver.

He looked at her, the woman startle seeing the man infront of him stare at her being serious as if.. he doesn't love her anymore.

"we're you like that because of yeonjun?"

They're at the parking lot inside of the man's car while talking.

"You even told me that you accept the fact that you have to marry him, am I gonna lose you now soobin?" She added.

"Yea I know I accept it but.. i- sigh, you know I love you right?"

Well that's what he think and his feelings? He cannot find it properly. Knowing that he just love at first sight to one and only yeonjun.

Lia nods and a smile appears on her face as she's starting to move closer to soobin.

And by just that, they kissed, peck kiss.

Lia give smile and soobin was not. Lia was feeling something but doesn't want to point out, if she was right about what she's thinking she will not do second decision to go kill yeonjun.

Awkward atmosphere gather that lia obviously notice that something change to soobin. The soobin's phone rang that he answered it immediately.


S: Hello?

Y: soobin..

'its yeonjun'

S: Need anything?

Y:I.. nothing just
Checking you if your
Not embarrassed a while ago?

Soobin flash a smile that lia saw it.

S: I'm not embarrassed junie

Y: is that so?

S: yes..

Y: well I guess..
Goodbye, thank you
by the way.

S: Ofcourse, goodbye too

Y: bye

Call ended.

"So is that-"

"Its him"

House ChoresNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ