"No one should hear that I helped."

"Of course sir. Thank you I walked to the class to talk to , she might have Kamso's credentials.

But when I got there, she was fighting with Chidimma. I rushed and carried her away kicking and shouting, but i held her tightly-

This is not the time for this. I called her softly and she started crying I knew she was that close to Kamso since their junior years. It had been a year since Kamso and I started being more than friends
and I could only imagine how it was for her. Ipulled her to my chest and let her cry.

"You know how Kamso was preparing for this, you
know-" she broke down into tears again.

"I know. That's why I'm going to sit for her."
Her eyes widened and she stood there looking at me.

"You're going to–" she asked after a while

"Yes, you heard me right. Now help me get her credentials." She nodded and went to her class while I stood there thinking of how I was going to pull this.

She came back with Kamso's key and helped me with everything. Next stop, exam hall.


"Ok Everybody move outside!" Miss Nneka shouted as the searching began.

I just watched everything going on. I went in and sat down after I had been searched. I just hope everything goes as planned seeing I was the first person in the hall. Yknow, alphabetically, Achusi
came first before any other person.

It would've been perfect if my seat feel towards the back, but I have to make do.

"I'm taking attendance ight now, and when you hear your name mentioned, answer audibly." The external supervisor said and started calling the names.

"Okeke Chikamso!"

The hall was very quiet when her name was called and I knew that somehow, almost everyone had heard what happened.

Then, Ij shouted present from the back and noise broke out in the hall.

"What is going on over there?" The woman shouted and Mr Mbazu made his way to the back. She moved on to the next name and I let out a breath of relief.

Few minutes later, she gave Mr Mbazu and miss Nneka question and answer booklets to share. Discreetly, Mr Mbazu gave me two sets of both, I couldn't have pulled this off without a teacher's help I noticed.

"You have your question and answer booklet before you. Follow the instructions as given and raise your hand if you have any problem. Anyone caught in the act of examination malpractice will have his or her booklet seized and will forfeit this exam. Any noise
and the person responsible will be sent out for some minutes. You have two hours to write and your time starts now." The external Supervisor ranted the usual.

I kept the one answer booklet atop the other and started with Kamso's own first. After I had written her name and reg number, went over the questions and started writing as fast as possible. I had to finish this under one hour."

"Mike" My neighbor whispered but I totally ignored him. Not today please.

"Where is Chikamso Okeke?" Miss Nneka asked thirty minutes into the exam. I had removed her desk so that her absence would not be noticed, this woman sef.

"Where is Chikamso Okeke?" She repeated and murmurings began again.

I turned to see what was happening, I mean if it was
ever found out that she was absent, but was marked present, I would be in trouble. I just sat there thinking of what next to do. But before the noise spread all over the hall.....

My Forever CrushOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz