When I finished getting myself ready I walked into the living room to see Judah on the couch. He was watching Rick and Morty as he ate a bowl of cereal. I checked the time, it was already 12:28 and I had to leave in a few minutes. I put my phone in my bag and wrapped my arms around Judah's neck from behind the couch, "I'm leaving," I rested my chin on the top of his head. He reached his hand back and half way hugged my arm.

"Love you," He said with a mouth full of cereal.

I kissed the top of his head, "Love you too. Have a good day."


I walked into the restaurant and asked the host where my family was seated. She escorted me to the table and both of my parents stood up.

"Hello, dear," Jean smiled and walked towards me, her arms stretched wide for a hug.

"Sorry I'm late!" I apologized, wrapping my arms around her, "I had to come across from town and you know how traffic gets."

"Oh, come here," Robert said, opening his arms. I let go of my mom and hugged him too.

"So, what did I miss?" I asked as I finally sat down.

"Mom and Dad thought it would be a good idea to go to India next," Cisco said, cracking a smile.

"No way, when?" I asked, looking at them.

"We wanted to leave in a month or so, but that's going to be the peak of summer and tickets are cheaper now. So, we were just going to leave next week!" Robert exclaimed happily.

'Leaving a week after getting back, typical.' I smiled and looked over at my mom, "Exciting! Where did you just get back from again?"

"Oh, Dubai, honey," she said, then took a bite of her food, "It was absolutely wonderful. I was a little scared because, you know, Saudi Arabia. But, it was actually very nice! Shame on the stereo types."

"We're going to be in India for about a month," My father went on, "We're starting the trip in New Delhi, and we're gonna work our way all the way down to Mumbai."

My eyes widened as I picked up a menu, "Interesting, a month, huh?"

"Yeah, you know me and your mother were discussing taking a family trip after we get back!" Robert interjected.

I looked over at Cisco, "Really?" Then looked back at them, 'Hell no.' "Where to?"

"That's the thing, we wanted to discuss it with you two. Where would you like to go?" My mom asked, looking back and forth between me and Cisco.

"I, uh," Cisco stuttered a bit.

"I would need to get my passport," I interrupted him.

"We could do a trip to Hawaii!" Robert said enthusiastically. He was always very, very high energy. It was usually fun, usually.

"I could do Hawaii, only a week or so. Maybe 2," I said, "But I'd need to check with work, and the internship should be over by then. I can take a break before accepting any permanent positions."

Cisco looked at me wide eyed, as if I messed up, "Actually, I have something to tell everyone," he looked back at my parents, "I'm seeing someone."

'He's already serious about Millie?! Christ. I shouldn't be surprised. He does this with every girl.'

"Who is she?" My mother was excited.

"I met her through Kyleigh actually, they work together. Her name is Millie."

"Oh that's wonderful! How long have you been together?" She asked.

I smiled and looked at Cisco, "Yeah, how long Cisco?"

Balance, BabyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon