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Thursday: 10:10 P. M.

"OK, what and what yuh don't eat?"

I shift my body, easing up slightly to pull the pillow under my chin. "I'm more of a junk food person, but, I'm willing to try anything new, I guess."

"OK, so--"

"Hold on one second deh, Meely," I tell Dameel as I feel the phone vibrate against my ear.

We'd been on the phone talking all night --well, for about fifteen, twenty minutes or so--about food. He'd promised to cook for me, some time ago, and he wants to honour that promise, this weekend.

I agreed. After all, we'd had so much fun on our last date, so I don't think this should be much different.

Biting my nail, I remove the phone from my ear and look at the WhatsApp icon at the top of the screen. Pulling down the notification bar, I see that Lucas has finally responded to my text message from earlier.

His response makes my heart flutter.

LUCAS ❤️: Good. Have you eaten?


"You OK?" Dameel's voice draws me out of the trance-like state I'm in.

I wouldn't have even realized I'd been cheesing so hard, had it not been for the dull ache in my cheeks.

I clear my throat. "Yeah, I'm here. But, sorry, can I call you back later? I have to go do something."

Look how yawh dash weh the man because Such Man text yuh ee.

Suppose him never did reply?

"Um, yea...sure...I guess," he answers. "Is everything good though?"

The concern is evident in his voice.

I kinda feel bad.

I smile nonetheless. "Yeah, just forgot to do something since night, and I just remembered."




"Oh. Ah. Then it's tomorrow then."

"No! Why? I'll call you back..." Maybe.

He chuckles. "Smikle, mi and you know yuh not calling me back. The only way yuh will maybe call me back is if you can't sleep."

Listen to the man a read out mi file to John Public!

Smiling at the thought, I say, "Are you saying I'm using you, Mr. Henderson?"

"Damn straight!"

I gasp.

Dameel laughs again. I always loved the way he laughs. "But it's all good, though. I rather to be used and abused by a beautiful woman, any day."

This makes me blush.

As well as feel slightly guilty.

Especially about the fact that he seems to genuinely like me, but I see him as more of a cool guy who I can be genuine friends with.

Worse mi have a mad man weh claim say him willing fi fuck up any man weh come near mi.

And, for some reason, I believe him.

Although, it's not like I'm interested in any other man but him, anyways.

One man to mi goodie, and a Lukey...!

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