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Friday: 4:00 P. M.

Aite, so mi ago make a quick stop by Best Fit when mi leff yasso. Then circle Soupy and grab a soup before mi go home...

That's it.

Call it a day.

Mi tired.

Plus, mi back a kill mi yuh fuck.

I step through the doors of the metal box and press the button, for the lobby, when I hear a voice shout, "Hold it!"

I do, stepping back and leaning against wall.

"Thanks!" she tells me when she's at the doorway.

I nod, without a word.

"Are you OK? You've been aloof all day?" Ashley says as she comes to stand beside me in the elevator. "Matter-of-fact, all week..."

Yes man, Senior supervisor.

Stuffing both hands into my pockets, I keep my eyes focused on the closing doors before us. "Mi good, man."

Just nuh inna the bag a chatting.


I can feel her eyes burning a hole through the side of my head.

I don't even bat an eyelash in her direction.

She continues to stare at me for a few seconds more, before muttering a meek, "OK."


Through my peripheral, I see her shuffling every now and then, trying to balance the heap of files in her hands.

Taking work home...on a Friday?


Then she says I'm a workaholic?

I don't say anything.

Nor, do I offer to help.

She sighs. "Boy, what a week! Am I glad it's Friday."

She says that like she's expecting me to respond.

I fold my lips.

"How come you're leaving so early, today?" she speaks again, probably uncomfortable with my silence.

I chuckle, shaking my head at her persistence. "I have some business to tend to."

Ashley mock gasps. "No sah! More work? I wish I had your level of dedication. No, scratch that...no, I don't."

She laughs, and I finally look over at her, at the sound; a small smile playing on my lips.

Seeing me smile seems to motivate her to continue talking since she adds, "I wish I had somewhere nice to just go and chillax a bit for the weekend. Matter-of-fact, right now! While you're here seeking more work. Wow."

Says the woman with a ton load of files in her hands...

"Why don't you?" I'm not really interested, but I ask anyway.

She sighs. "No where to go. Plus, my friends are unavailable."

Hmm...you don't say.

I think about her comment for a while. Then, I get an idea.

"My sister is keeping a small get-together tomorrow, the invitation is open."

She goes silent, but, by the way she holds her head down, I can tell she's blushing.

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