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Wednesday: 5:10 P. M.

"Amanda, look here!"

I turn at the sound of my name to see my coworker, Shavel, coming down the staircase.

When she reaches where I'm standing, in the lobby, she smiles. "Sorry, a ask mi did a ask yuh if mi can get a ride?"

Her eyes then scan my outfit, before fixing their gaze on my face again. "Weh yawh go, gym?"

I nod.


"But, mi can drop yuh...depending on which side yawh go."

"Three Miles," she says, fixing the strap of her handbag on her shoulder.

Today a wah? Wednesday?

The traffic nuh supposed to that bad...

'Cause town lock half day today.

I nod. "Yeah man. Mi usually drive Maxfield, but me will drop yuh same way."

Her lips spread into a grin. "Thanks!"


Without saying another word, I turn and walk through the glass door which separates the main office from the reception area.

My eyes fleet briefly to the empty reception desk, before focusing on the door. Look how mi figot fi collect mi change from her. Buzzing myself out, I walk into the late-afternoon sun, with Shavel trailing behind me.

"Thanks yawh, girl," she says then sighs as we both settle in. "'Cause mi just deh yah a say how mi ago reach Three Miles this evening. Yuh know bruck?"

Her words bring a smile to my lips. "Tell me about it." I strap my seat belt across my body and shuffle in my seat. "A today mi a look pon the calendar and literally a count the days 'til month end."

"Far! Don't it?" She hisses her teeth and mimics my action; strapping in her own seat belt. "Girl, if mi never certain say dem work yah a modern day slavery, mi sure now. Bare stress and so little pay."

"Mi not even want think 'bout it," I scoff and start the engine, before pulling out of the parking lot and through the gates. "By the way, a Three Miles yuh go every evening?"

Shavel nods, pulling out her earphones and untangling the cord.

"So, how yuh usually reach Three Miles? 'Cause mi never pass yuh a bus stop yet?" I ask again, as I pull up behind the last car in the traffic line along Marcus Garvey Drive.

"Sometimes mi take taxi if mi nuh get a ride wid Moya taxi man, or if my piece a man can't come for me."

The way she says 'piece a man' catches me by surprise and I laugh. "Jesus, why yuh say it so?"

My question causes her to hiss her teeth. "Because a so him deserve fi be called right now."

I know that feeling well.

I quirk a brow, lightly teasing the gas pedal, pushing the car slowly down the line each time the car before me moves. "Mi nuh waan fass eno, but mi curious. A wah him do yuh so deh now?"

"Manda, don't even get me started!" she says as she finally untangles the earphone cord and plugs it into her phone. "Yuh know say man a dog?"

This makes me laugh louder than intended.

"Don't ever put yuh head pon the block!" she adds.


I keep the smile on my face. "A one thing make we woman say that 'bout man eno."

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