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Sunday: 4:00 P. M.

"I think your parents may like me even more than you," Lucas says as I fall into step with him.

I scoff at his words. "Move. One likkle time yuh get fi cut cake wid Mummy yuh feel special?"

I kind of think he's right though, although I'll never tell him that.

He grins. "How yuh jealous so, woman?"

Rolling my eyes, I say, "A woman mi name. It inna mi nature."

He doesn't say anything, but the smile lingers on his lips.

I smile too, focusing instead on my ice-cream which is melting all over my hand.

We're walking through the Town Center, eating the ice-cream we've just purchased from Latty's --his treat --the only place in the Square that sells Devon House Ice-cream.

Something which seemed to have had Lucas stunned.

'Wah? Uno a gwaan wid things up a bush yah, man?' Lucas had said when I told him about the place.

Apparently, he didn't know we had that luxury here, in the "bush", as he'd so rudely classified it.


Now, look at him licking away at the bush cream he was bashing just a few minutes ago.

"Aunty, look, it's almost finished!" Maddy says from where she's resting quite comfortably in Lucas's arms.

He looks so natural walking with her in his arms like that.

He would honestly look so good as a father.

I can see it now.

Daddy Lucas and his daughter walking, arms in arms, from the ice-cream parlour on a fine Sunday evening after church; just as he's doing now.


I smile. "Yes, baby girl. It's nice."

She nods, licking her lips which are nasty with the green smudge of the pistachio flavour she'd chosen.

"Hold on, babe," I tell him and he stops and turns.

Fetching her rag from the little bag I have slung across my body, I tiptoe and wipe her face.

Lucas looks down at me, as I do so, with a kind of smile on his face that I can't describe.

I blush under his gaze.

"Amanda?" a familiar voice pulls my attention from him and Maddy.

I turn to see Ms. Rita, a woman from the neighbouring community, who I haven't seen in months. She's standing by the bus stop as if waiting on a taxi. She's really round so the yellow dress she's wearing makes her look like a ripe pumpkin.

I return her smile. "Hi, Ms. Rita. You OK?"

"Good evening," Lucas says surprising me.

I didn't expect him to say anything.

But, he's been surprising me all week.

First by showing up here.

Plus, with a gift; which I love by the way.

Then, being cordial with my family and neighbours.

Then, agreeing to go to church with us this morning--Mummy's idea, by the way. She wanted him to get special prayer before his flight in a few days.

Only her.

Now, being polite to a woman he doesn't know.


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