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Monday: 8:55P. M.

I laugh off my comment, willing myself to take it easy with her.

She isn't ready for that level yet.

Am I even ready for that level?

She takes a sip of the beer I had given her.

That's how it should be.

I still can't believe she'd fallen for what I said about the liquor Dwayne gave her.

I wasn't wrong in the sense of telling her not to accept drinks from strangers, but as for implying that Dwayne wanted to drug her, I admit it was a bit too far.

But I just didn't like the idea of another man giving her anything.

Eeh!? So how yuh feel 'bout the other man weh a FUCK her?

I push that thought to the back of my mind before my brain can even process it properly.

I scratch my beard as I study her. It's been itching all fucking night. I hope to God hairbumps don't form.

Remind me never to go to that barber again.

He chats too much and doesn't pay attention to what the shit he's doing.

"Easy there..." I tell her as she gulps down the half bottle of beer in one go.

Amanda giggles and sways slightly.

Is she drunk?


Couldn't have been the sorrel beer. That's practically baby juice. How many of those pops did she have?

"Amanda?" I call out to her. I love the sound of her name rolling off of my tongue.


I finally know it. And I have a feeling I won't forget.

She looks up at me through lashes that look too fluffy to be natural. Must be those Mink lashes Jessica obsesses over.

She smiles and pushes the glasses further up the bridge of her nose. Those glasses. Never know she a four-eye too...


A moment of comfortable silence lingers between us as we both take in the scene on the dance floor.

Petrad the Punk was right. Tonight was a massive success. People were out in droves. The liquor was going like hot bread and the music selection was top notch.

I'm making fuck loads of money, while in the company of a stunning female.

I smile. It's a good night.

Suddenly a flash of yellow passes me. I look over to see a girl standing in front of us. It's the same girl I've seen Petrad hanging around since night.

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