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Saturday: 11 am

"Wonder if he's on Insta?" my best friend Deidre's voice cuts me off mid-sentence. She rolls over and onto her belly and pulls out her phone. "Wol on mek mi check..."

I knew before I even started to tell her about my encounters with "such man" over the past few days, that she'd want to snoop.

A pin can't drop and yuh nuh know 'bout it!

I love her to death, but she's nosy as hell. She is the mother of 'love people's business'.

I shake my head at her and roll my eyes.

"Girl, what yuh seh him name again?" she asks from where she's lying beside me.

We are currently locked in her room, in her apartment in Stillwell. It has been our Saturday routine since she moved into her own place a few months ago.

We call it our 'Hot Girl Chill Day'.

After the whole shibbang last night, I took "such man's" advice after all and stayed in town. It made sense to me since the drive to country at that hour would've been long and lonely and I don't particularly love driving during night time.

I would be coming back to town anyway, so I'd just decided to save myself from the hassle of making two trips and burning extra gas.

I feign annoyance but she pokes me in the gut and I buckle in laughter.

I must admit, I am curious to see what comes up too. "Lucas Senior."

I love the sound of his name rolling off my tongue.

She types it in the explore bar and a bunch of random white people pop up. She hisses her teeth and I frown.

Why are you disappointed though?

I watch as she scrolls through each account at a time, her eyes narrowed in determination.

Ten accounts later and...

"Aha!" Deidre says and her grin grows gigantic.

I know she wouldn't stop until she finds something.

It's the topnotch detective skills for me!

A profile picture of a male silhouette rafting on the Blue Lagoon pops up and Deidre clicks on it in an instant.

Eeh, page public too?

It's on grid mode, so it's easier for her to browse.

I busy myself by scrolling through my own feed in a failed effort to not seem too eager.

"Watch niceness!" Deidre squeals. "Watch pon six pack. Ku pretty hair. Tattoo sit dung pon bwoy skin like him born with them!"

Her extraness draws my attention and I peer over her shoulders to see her staring at a picture of a topless Lucas, decked in a grey sweatpants and black sneakers, and smirking as he posed for the camera with dumbbells in hand.

His looks absolutely delicious.

My eyes travel from the crown of this head taking in everything. His exposed dark skin glistens with sweat, and his hair is pulled on top of his head and tied into a messy man bun which flops slightly to the side. I am not particularly fond of men with a lot of hair, but his is different. His hair is the type that makes me want to run my fingers through those curls as he whispers sweet nothings into my ear.

It suits him.

His biceps buldge under the weight of the equipment and I notice his tattoos.

Deidre is right...they painted all the right pictures.

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