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Wednesday: 5:30 P. M.

Someone, somewhere in Jamaica, is probably saying to themselves right now: 'A Wednesday already?'

Not me though. I'm more inclined to say, 'A just Wednesday?'

This week, a very hectic three days out of it so far, seems to be dragging its lazy behind on.

The little holiday yesterday didn't even make a difference. By the time I winked an eyelash on Monday night, it was Wednesday.

If only the entire week was like that.

The one-day holiday caused such a significant backlog at work, which only made situations worse. Everyone and their grannies and mothers were out today, trying to get shipments cleared and whatnot.

To my horror.

I didn't even have time to breathe properly, much less to grab a bite to eat. Something I'm currently paying the penalty for; if the worms in my stomach have anything to say about it.

I sigh as the grumbling in my tummy echoes in the silence.

I'm tired. I'm frustrated.

And I'm fucking hungry.

Tripple threat.

Another heavy sigh escapes my lips.

I can't wait to take my leave next week. Those fifteen days at home, away from the hustle and bustle of 9-to-5 life, will surely do wonders to my fatigue-ridden limbs.

Thank God.

I just want to go home, bathe and find my bed right now!

If this friggin' chaotic road would let me.

The traffic is dense as hell as I turn onto the main road, immediately pulling up behind the long line of vehicles as the third stop light within a five-minute drive turns red.

My tummy grumbles again in protest.

I definitely have to stop to grab some food, as I feel as if I haven't eaten in days.

Which is partially true, as I haven't been really eating like I used to these past few days, considering the circumstances.

Nuh you want starve yourself like idiot.

Yuh think Odaine nuh eat?

Not to mention Lucas. Good body nuh run off a so-so stale air.

Stay deh form fool...

I will the thought away. It's not even about them.


Yes, really.

I just haven't been in that place these past couples of days.

Contrary to popular beliefs, it's normal.

At least to me it is. It's my body's normal response to stress that is.

So stress normal, miss?

Jeez, can't I catch a break with you?

What I'm trying to say here is, have you ever felt hungry, but, whenever you go to eat, you just...can't?

Well, that's how I feel.

And it doesn't even have to do with how I'm feeling inside.

I sigh.

Must be gas.

At least that's what mummy says.

She still doesn't know about the whole Odaine situation yet, by the way.

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