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Saturday: 7:30 P. M.

5 minutes earlier...

I look at the time again.

It's 7:30.

Amanda should be here by now.

My eyes find the huge mahogany doors again.

Ever since I sat down, my attention has been alternating between my watch and the door.

"I guess you bringing her here means you've sorted out the complications?"

The sound of Ashley's voice pulls my attention away from the door, and to her.

She must've sensed my unease.

My mind has been drifting to Amanda since I got here, and I keep wondering if she's OK. She was obviously shaken up earlier --Thank God I'd managed to calm her down--so I don't feel good knowing she's in the room by herself.

Although the whole "stalker" situation turned out to be a mere misunderstanding.

Regardless, I still would've preferred being with her now, instead of here, but this is business and it's equally as important too.

We'd just finished going over a few points which were overlooked in the meeting, with the customs brokers, since we had our first trial shipment to be arranged soon, and, now, Ashley and I are seated at the table. Alone.

She's been trying to engage me in conversation ever since we sat down. Only, this time it has shifted from business to personal.

Upon registering her question, I smirk before saying, "Turns out it wasn't as complicated as I thought."

Not that it's any of your concern.

But, I know why she's asking.

"Oh." She sounds surprised. "That's nice."

I hold her gaze. "You sound surprised."

Her smile is sweet, but she maintains eye contact. She brings the cocktail glass to her lips and takes a sip of its content. "Not really," she offers when she brings the glass to settle on the table. "I'm glad you two were able to work it out."

Is that so?

"Some things are simply meant to be. And nothing can come between that." I tear my attention away from the glass and meet her eyes. "Especially not petty misunderstandings."

And especially not mediocre underwear ploys.

"I see."

You should.

That's the intention.

She goes silent for a while, but I can see the cogs turning.

These women really have no idea who they're playing with.

I narrow my eyes. "Yuh good?"

"Yeah," she says then smiles, but it isn't her usual kind. "It's just..." She clears her throat. "I hope this doesn't come off the wrong way. But, since that night at the club, I was hoping we could...you know?"

I know exactly what she's getting at.

And, of course, I'm not surprised.

Her intentions are as clear as day.

I knew the moment she decided to watch Amanda and I fuck yesterday that there was more to this meeting arrangement than business.

Then, it was almost laughable how she went out of her way to let us know how single she was, earlier.

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