Chapter 1

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"Agent Innit and Agent Underscore." A man said.

"What do you want?" Agent Innit asked

"We need you both for a mission. A mission to get this type of potion" they said.

"Can't you just do that yourselves????!!" Agent Innit shouted.

"Psst. Don't be rude to them.," Agent Underscore said as he grabbed the communication device.

"Sorry about him. But we will gladly accept this mission." Agent Underscore responded.

"Great! We need you both to break into the Sleepy Fortress and obtain a certain potion. You will be going with someone else, Agent Beloved, I will send you their contact details shortly. Good luck."

And they were gone.

Agent Innit and Agent Underscore met when they joined the UnFound Agency. That agency saved them one time. And gave them an offer. An offer to join them. And be safe from the bad people out there. They accepted the offer without even thinking. The word, 'safe' had got them.

The said agency is runned by their Rank 1 Top Agent NotFound's family. How did Agent Innit and Agent Underscore get their names?

The Agency simply used a randomizer thing since they were orphans and didn't know their last names and they didn't need to know what it actually was. They trained them to be the best they can be. Now Agent Innit is 14, and Agent Underscore is 15.

*Message from NotFound*

"This is his contact information.

Agent Beloved#1373 (random numbers)

Phone number: ###########

Good luck."

"Agent Underscore go make us food, while I contact Agent Beloved." Agent Innit ordered.

*Calling ###########*

"Hello this is Agent Beloved how can I help you?" The man from the other side said.

"Hi, this is Agent Innit. Has Top Agent NotFound informed you about this mission?" Agent Innit asked.

"Yes, they have. Are you free to meet today at Ocean View Park at 1 o'clock?" They asked.

"Yes, we are. We'll meet you there." Agent Innit said.

*Call Ended*

"Agent Underscore, hurry up! We have to go somewhere." Agent Innit informed the other.

They seemed to have understood it quickly. Since a few minutes later they had the food packed and their full gear with them.

"C'mon let's go!" Agent Underscore demanded.

"Wait. I'll get my gear first."


"So you're saying that we are supposed to be here at 1 o'clock which is about 30 minutes later!? They aren't even here yet!" Agent Underscore complained.

"Relax. I wanted us to be here early so we could eat here." Agent Innit said.

"We can't just eat out in the public Agent Innit." Agent Underscore reminded.

"Oh come on. A little food won't hurt." Agent Innit said as he started taking off his mask to eat.

"Agent Innit please put your mask back on. You know what happened to Agent Soot when the bad guys found out who he really is." Agent Underscore reminded.

"Okay fine. You win." Agent Innit surrendered.


Why does Agent Innit and Agent Underscore need masks?

Didn't they have no personal life whatsoever?

Or was it just their agency trying to cover something up?

No one knows. This is only the first chapter of our book after all. Where it all started. Where we first meet our main characters and learn more about them as the book goes on.

This is your Author, E11a_N1c3, wishing you all an amazing day!

This was written on February 6th 11:46 PM.

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