Part 10

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Taehyung PoV 
She is something….but different like who can change in front of a stranger I mean like she was too scared to slap that girl and in front of me she is like she is gonna kill me. 

" let's go" She said and I was about to go but then I saw my mom. Oh-no-no the sounds are coming again. I started sweating and covering my ears.

"Let's-What happened??" I can't hear her. The shout of my mom started coming so loudly. "Ahhhh" I groaned trying to control it but couldn't.

The pain started growing "Ahhhhh" "Taehyung are you okay…wait I should call someone..HELP SOMEONE" I fall to the ground

Y/n PoV 
He was shouting. I began looking for a phone"phone…" 
"AhHHHHHHHHHH" He was shouting in pain. I ran to him and took him in my lap. "M-mom" 

He said and I shouted, "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!" He was in so much pain that I can't even describe it. "Taehyung look here…I'm doing something…HELP" 

I started to comfort him "Listen taehyung y-you will be okay just be normal see I'm here." He looked at me and I hugged him. He tightened the hug and groaned in pain.

"SOMEONE PLEASE HELP" I can feel his tears on my dress. I carcasses his hair and said "You will be fine in just some seconds"

Suddenly two people came inside and said "Young master" but they were too late because Taehyung was sleeping on my lap.

"You all are late" I said in anger because he was shouting in pain and I didn't know how to comfort him. "We will call Mr Kim" 

I looked at him. He was sleeping while hugging me. "Don't interrupt him and take him carefully" I said and they nodded their heads as yes.

They made him stand up and because of this Taehyung woke up and said "Y-Y/n" He said while breathing heavily.
"I'm here," I said to him and he looked at me.

"I-I-" He was spluttering and I said "You should take a rest taehyung you need rest," I said he nodded his head. "T-Thank y-you"

I smiled but…before that, he left from there. "I don't know why but I wanna know about you," I said and sighed at his disappeared posture.

Taehyung PoV
I'm in my room "It's so bad that this happened on your first day" My dad said and I just ignored it because of her. I remember her face when she said to me.

"Listen taehyung y-you will be okay..see I'm here" I can't get over her words the way she was worrying about me and the way she was comforting me.

"Taehyung..Taehyung" Dad was calling me I came back in sense and said "Y-yes Dad" He touched my forehead and said, "I think you should not get to"

"No Dad I will" I said to him and he smiled "I'm happy to hear this". I nodded my head and Dad went away. I took a bath and slept. 

BILLIONAIRE WANTS ME|| TAEHYUNG × READERS ✅Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon