The Last Mabelcorn

Start from the beginning

"I've encountered many dark beings in my time, Dipper. What matters is his powers are growing stronger, and if he pulls off his plans, no one in this family will be safe!"

"The plans about the portal?" I asked unsure.

"Emma, has Bill mentioned anything about conquering our world in your dreams?" Ford asked as I aighed pinching the bridge of my nose.

"No... yes... ugh" I groaned. Why wasn't I able to remember. "I don't I don't know It's like, the actual memory of the dream has been erased, but the inherent feeling of fear is there..." i explained as he nodded.

"So he has been tampering with your memories. I see, this is far worse than I had imagined." Ford mumbled as suddenly I felt guilty. I knew it wasn't my fault and yet somehow I felt it was.

"Fortunately, there should be a way to shield us from his mental tricks. A way to Bill-proof the Shack." He told us as my fave beamed with excitement. Sure Bill wasnt bothering me right now but who's to say he wont in the future. This would mean I could sleep without fear.

Ford continued as he drew a rough sketch of the Schack on a piece of paper. "All I have to do is place moonstones here, here, and here, sprinkle some mercury, let's see... I always forget the last ingredient!" We watched as he took out the first journal and flipped through it. Suddenly his smile fell and was intead replaced with a look of disgust. "Ugh, unicorn hair..." he slurred his words, it seemed the sheer thought of unicorns was messing with him. He wasn't the expressive type from what I had gathered yet he pulled such a face. There's gotta be something here.

"That's not, like... rare, is it?" I asked, anxious that my only hope could be shattered in just seconds.

"It's hopeless! Unicorns reside deep within an enchanted glade, and their hairs can only be obtained by a pure good-hearted person who goes on a magical quest to find them." He explained himself. Before I could even process the bad news mabel perked up next to me.

"Grunkle Ford, can I please go on this quest? I am literally obsessed with unicorns! My first word was unicorn, I once made my own unicorn by taping a traffic cone to a horse's head. Are you even looking at the sweater I'm wearing right now?! Not to mention that I'm probably the most pure of heart person in this room!" She shouted beaming with excitement as we all agreed with her last statement.

"So can I go on a mission to get that hair? Please please please? I'LL GIVE YOU MY BLOOD!" She rolled up her sleave ready to draw blood at the slight chance of meeting a unicorn.

"Very well. But it won't be easy." Ford handed hee the first journal. "Take this." He then pulled out a crossbow and handed it to her. "And this."


"I haven't been in this dimension for a while. It's okay to give children weapons, right?" He asked as I stood up from my chair and took the crossbow away from Mabel knowing damn well if I hadn't it would have accidentally fired.

"Absolutely not!" I shouted shoving it back into Ford's hands.

And just like that Mabel ran off to call her girlfriends to go looking for unicorn hair together.

"So, what are the odds she gets that hair?" I asked still anxious.

"Unlikely. I've dealt with unicorns before, and if I had to describe them in one word it would be... frustrating."

Ah... so that's the problem.

"So then, what are we gonna do about Bill?" I asked still hoping there was some solution.

"Follow me." Ford said as the three of us walked to the vending machine and into the elevator.

Surprisingly Ford hit the second floor button which brought us to a room we hadn't yet explored.

One mystery left to solve | Dipper Pines (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now