Chapter 39

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Next Full Moon.

"Did you kill him?" Victoria snapped up from her bed gasping for air. Nightmare
It was almost a full moon, there was something out there on each full moon. A werewolf. It has to be, the howling made it obvious. 

"Why are you awake?" Emerson perked her head up from her bed over to Victorias. 

"I could ask you the same thing," Victoria rested on her elbows looking over at the window reflecting the moon. 

Emerson sat up on the side of her bed staring back at the moon as well, "You know I keep noticing this repeated thing with Mar," she stood up placing herself right beside Victoria, "the moon seems to make him so scared." 


The walk to the Great Hall was the same as always, but this time Marco seemed too anxious. It was evident something was off - a genius could tell. His eyes held so much rage in them - everything started to tick him off. A kid beside him was "breathing too loud" as he put it, and he ended up telling him to shut up. He's not a mean person at all, nor a jerk; he just had a really tempered mood. 

Now they all sat with their breakfast just eating, before Emerson started up a conversation. "I have an idea."

"Do tell," Marco looked up at her with much more relaxation in his eyes, though some stiffness was still there. 

Emerson sat up brushing her hands off, "Well tonight is a full moon, and I was thinking we could all go see what seeps out there," she didn't know if it was the awful plan she suggested or the food, but none of them seemed to like the idea. 

"I'll pass," Marco buried his eyes back into his food growing tense as he did. 

"Me too, who knows what's even out there," Victoria looked at Emerson apologetically but changed it to a smile knowing she hated that crap. 

"Well then maybe we could go with Mibny? Mibny has the best chocolate pies," Emerson dreamt about the smell of them, "we could always do that? You know I didn't even know chocolate pies were a thing!?" 

She went on talking until it seemed to be too much for Marco to handle, "I can't," he said with little to no emotion, "maybe another day." 
That was the last thing he said before storming off leaving practically his whole breakfast. It was silent between the two for a few seconds. "Did I upset him again?"

Victoria shook her head, "Nah, he's probably just feeling, it happens." Emerson nodded in agreement, but there was a pitiful feeling she couldn't erase. Not that she could tell what it was. That was what was most upsetting. 

The conversation between the two friends carried on to a much more joyful conversation. Talks switched between studies to famous crushes - anything to avoid the bashful soon-to-be reality of the two. It was hard for both of them to pretend as if Sirius wasn't living away with the Potters ignoring the pure existence of his forgotten siblings. That didn't matter though, none of it did. Not as long as they had each other. 

The same feeling of euphoria carried the two through their classes. Marco missed all of his. He buried himself in the bathroom. He would never admit to what happened in there. Embarrassment rushed through him as he wanted to forget what his emotions did. Feelings are stupid. How he wished to believe that. The feeling and urge of wanting to blend in and not feel like a sore thumb upset him. And he hated the fact that all he wanted was to be seen just not touched if that even made any sense. 

𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑺𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓, 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐄𝐫𝐚Where stories live. Discover now