Chapter 14

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"We're here, you lazy sloths!" Emerson shook Marco and Victoria awake. Surprisingly, she had woken up before them, but in truth, she had never really been asleep. She had been quietly listening to their conversations. Emerson seemed unusually happy and excited, but she was now going to be soon facing both her father and mother. Despite facing challenging situations, she always tried to maintain her optimism and make the best of things—a quality Victoria deeply admired.

"I'm going to find Reg. Mother won't like seeing me with you two," Emerson announced while grabbing her luggage, "no offense."

"I assume my blood status is the problem," Marco remarked dryly, gathering his belongings.

"I thought you were a pureblood?" Victoria asked, immediately regretting the question. "Not that there's anything wrong with not being one!"

Marco chuckled, "It's alright, but no."

"Alright, well, I'll be off! Don't forget about me!" Emerson quickly hugged them both before going off to find Regulus.

Marco walked alongside Victoria, who was brimming with excitement for the upcoming break. Spending time with her family was one of her favorite parts of the holiday, even if it meant tolerating James.

As they disembarked from the train, Victoria spotted her parents—Euphemia was brushing something off Fleamont's shoulder, so they didn't immediately notice Victoria approaching.

"So, I'll be off then," Marco said, preparing to part ways with Victoria.

"Wait no, meet my parents first," Victoria declared with a smile, grabbing Marco by the wrist and guiding him towards her parents. She had sent letters to her parents about the new friend she made, so they have been asking her to meet him. 

"Meet your parents? I don't remember asking for your hand in marriage?" Marco teased.

Victoria rolled her eyes playfully before stopping in front of her parents, clearing her throat loudly to get their attention. Euphemia was quick to pull her daughter into a warm hug, while Fleamont examined the young man standing awkwardly beside his daughter.

"It's so great to see you! And I see you've brought your friend?" Euphemia turned her attention towards Marco, who was fidgeting nervously.

"Marco Carter, a pleasure to meet you both," Marco greeted them, extending his hand to Euphemia, who surprised him by pulling him into a tight hug.

"Mum, you've replaced me with another already?" James' voice interrupted. Euphemia pulled her son into a warm hug, while Fleamont turned to his daughter with a quizzical expression.

"My sweet young daughter, what is this young man doing here?" Fleamont asked in a sarcastic tone.

"He's my friend. I mentioned him before, I plan to bring him along to visit the Muggle world," Victoria explained.

"But darling," Fleamont said, pulling Victoria aside. "Why him? Couldn't you have brought an ugly man?"

Victoria laughed at her father's jest before responding, "He's just a friend, Dad. No harm there."


Emerson couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as she watched Sirius embracing the Potters. It was a stark reminder of the divide that had formed within their family, a gap that seemed to widen with each passing day. Despite their differences, despite their conflicts, Sirius had found solace and belonging elsewhere, leaving Emerson and Regulus feeling a sense of emptiness. Now Sirius would spend most of his time with the Potters instead of them. 

As they followed their parents through the bustling station, Emerson couldn't shake the feeling of displacement that hung heavy in the air. It was as if they were walking through a fog of resentment and disappointment, the weight of their family's expectations pressing down on them like an invisible burden.

Regulus glanced at Emerson, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. They were in this together, navigating the treacherous waters of their family dynamics with a sense of solidarity born out of shared struggle. Yet even as they stood side by side, Emerson couldn't shake the sense of loneliness that gnawed at her insides.

They arrived at the family estate, a grand but imposing structure that seemed to loom over them like a silent sentinel. As they entered the familiar confines of their home, Emerson couldn't help but feel a sense of claustrophobia closing in around her. This was supposed to be a place of refuge, a sanctuary from the outside world, but instead, it felt like a prison.

Walburga and Orion wasted no time in retreating to their private chambers, leaving Emerson and Regulus to fend for themselves in the cold embrace of their ancestral home. They exchanged a weary glance before heading off to their respective rooms, the weight of their family's expectations bearing down on them like an oppressive force.

Alone in her room, Emerson couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for something more, for a sense of belonging that seemed forever out of reach. She glanced out the window at the twinkling stars overhead, a silent reminder of the vastness of the world beyond their family's reach. And as she drifted off to sleep, she couldn't help but wonder if she would ever find her place in it.


Marco bid his farewell and departed, Sirius then approached, creeping up behind Victoria to scare her. Startled by his sudden scare, Victoria's reflexes kicked in, and she accidentally slapped him across the face as he set her down.

"Oh, Merlin! I'm sorry," Victoria exclaimed, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Sirius chuckled, his hand instinctively moving to the side of his face where her slap had landed. "No harm done. Quite the greeting, though," he remarked with a playful smirk.

Victoria shot him a stern look, wagging her finger in his direction before turning back to her family.

Meanwhile, James seized the opportunity to make a request of his mother, Euphemia. "Mum, would it be alright if Sirius joined us?" he pleaded, his puppy-dog eyes pleading his case.

Fleamont, feeling somewhat overlooked, interjected with a hint of playful jealousy. "Why ask her and not me?" he chimed in, feigning offense.

Euphemia flashed her husband a mischievous smile before turning back to James. "Well, darling, I do hold the reins in this family," she teased, her tone lighthearted. "But of course, Sirius, you're more than welcome to join us."

With the matter settled, the Potters and Sirius made their way to their awaiting carriage, eager to begin their journey home.


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑺𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓, 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐄𝐫𝐚Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant