Chapter 18

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As they continued their snowball fight Victoria noticed Emerson's hair turning into this blue greenish color, Victoria knows Emerson is a metamorphmagus but what shocked her wasn't that she is what shocked her was that her hair color actually changed, to happy. Emerson hadn't been capable of changing her hair ever since her mother downgraded her for being a metamorphmagus.

"Emi," Victoria pointed at the girls hair with a bright smile. "It's changed!"

Emerson quickly grabbed a piece of her hair to see its color. Her smile grew at the sight of it, her hair color finally changed. She's truly happy, she's happy.

"It hasn't changed in years ever since..." Regulus began to say but what cut off by Emerson. "Ever since mother told me I looked like a freak..."

Regulus wasn't a hugger, especially not someone to comfort someone, but he is so happy for his sister that he pulled her into a stiff hug. Emerson embraced her brother while Regulus stood there awkwardly. Victoria watched as they hugged and pulled away.

"Can you change it to purple?" Victoria asked, clasping her hands together.

"Let me try!" Emerson closed her eyes trying to change her hair to purple, once she opened them she was met with two disappointed faces. "Did it not work?"

Victoria's frown turned into the brightest smile, "It worked!"

"It's beautiful, sister."


As the days passed by Christmas came closer and closer, both Emerson and Victoria's moods changed, differently. Christmas is definitely one of Victoria's favorite holidays and she was excited, but Emerson wasn't. Spending Christmas with her family was a downfall just as is. It's not like they want Emerson there, they just want to keep the pure blood purity going so Christmas always involves wedding proposal talks. One thing Emerson was excited for was going out to the Muggle world. Although her family hates it, she was interested.

So a few days just before Christmas Victoria got permission to go to the Muggle world, with James of course. Sirius had returned to his "home" shortly after because he was fully disowned, yet. Victoria told Euphemia all about Emerson and how she wanted to bring her along which Euphemia agreed with, she even wanted to meet Emerson. She was going to mention Regulus as well but just the thought of him made her blush. She wasn't sure why though.

Victoria waited for a letter from Emerson, Victoria never sends the letters first in fear of Walburga burning or destroying them, that's why she always waits for Emerson's letters.

Once Emerson's owl flew in through the open window, the owl dropped the letter on top of Victoria's desk, Victoria thanked the owl before giving the owl a treat from her owl.
The letter said,

Dear Vic,
I am here to inform you, never mind all that fancy writing shit bored me. Anyways what I want say is, wait I can't say it? I have to write it! But that's besides that point. Mother Satan says I'm allowed to go off to a friends house, she doesn't know who but I told her Regulus would be coming along and she agreed. That's a win I guess? Siri came home by the way! You should've seen Regs face when he saw him! I'll tell you the rest later!

- Your favorite

Victoria laughed at bits and pieces of the letter. She was so happy that Emerson would be joining her. She set the letter down, but just as she was about to close the window another owl came flying in. This owl looked unfamiliar, she took the letter from the owl, it said,

𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑺𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓, 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐄𝐫𝐚Where stories live. Discover now