Prom night

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It been a while since the hostage and now they are at the school. People are finding partners for prom. Tigger was alone, and Dan came.

Dan: Prom coming in a couple of days and people already getting partners for prom night. What about you?

Tigger: Can you be my prom partner?

Dan: (laughed) No. I can't. It not my years going. All year 11 going.

Tigger: Why? Why can you be with me?

Dan: Becuase it is supposed to be with a girl.

Tigger: Oh. I chose Jilly.

Dan: (laughed) No, no, no. You have to ask a girl who is not your family member to be your prom partner. Anyways it doesn't matter. All you are going to do is to have fun and dance a bit.

Tigger: I'm going to be alone.

Dan: What you don't have, friend? Anymore.

Tigger: (cried) no.

Dan: Don't cry. I will talk to the head of your year if I'm allowed to be with you at prom. Don't worry, Tig. Smile.

Tigger nodded and smiled. Later on, Oliver was at the school gym and doing an arm workout. He was with a couple of guys and was talking.

Coach Malone: Okay, at this school's gym, we need to work hard and be fit and good shape. We don't want to be bulky or a bodybuilder. We need to be in the right shape. So we have equal strength, speed, stamina, and mentality. The gym is not here to make us big like a bull. It's here for us to tell us who we are. We are athletes. We do different sports. Most of us want to be footballers, coaches, olympic athletes, and so on. Okay, get a gym partner and work together on one machine. Chop chop.

Oliver got in pairs. The dude was tall and fat.

Barry: Hi.

Oliver: Hey.

Barry: I know I am fat. Well, cubby.

Oliver: Wanna be gym partners?

Barry: Thanks. Everyone in the class is calling me names. People know you as the fastest man alive. Do you want to be an olympic sprinter?

Oliver: It's my dream.

Barry: Cool. I love doing rugby.

Oliver: It's suits you. Rugby players need to be big and strong.

Barry nodded.

Oliver: Come on, we will work on our arms.

Barry followed Oliver to the machine. At lunch, Tigger was sitting down with Walter and Bugs. Bugs was reading a Star Wars comic.

Tigger: What's that?

Bugs: Star wars. You know Darth Vader?

Tigger: No idea.

Walter: So, Tigger, you find someone to be with prom?

Tigger: Everyone in my class already got a person to be with in prom. I'm the only one without one.

Tigger was sad.

Walter: Don't worry.

Dan quickly sat down next to Tigger.

Dan: Good news. Your head of year agreed because your situation and I can come and one more person can come with us. (Looked at Bugs and Walter) You guys wanna come?

Walter: Sorry, bro. I'm busy.

Bugs: me too. I got an exam tomorrow.

Dan: I will ask Oliver or one of the guys.

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