Looking into the glass of my drink

283 15 7

Uh tw mentions of attempted suicide. I like angst and I like Glass, what more can I say?

Simon had never been a complicated man.

There had never been a moment in his life where he hadn't tried to stray away from problems, and how he ended up with the foundation was beyond him.

As a young boy his parents got divorced, and he stayed with his mom full time, which seemed to be the better choice of the two when he was younger. But as Simon grew older and older his mom became more detached, more distant.

He didn't know what spurred this on and he never found out, while he was away for college for his psychology degree she had a stroke and died at 55. The funeral was lovely.

After that he was on his own for a while, he got a job and tried writing a book, and while he never finished it or even got it close to a publisher, it was therapeutic for him.

Then the foundation came and swept his normal life off his feet and suddenly he was meeting with crazed men and even crazier monsters. The foundation didn't play around either.

They kept Simon "Glass" on a leash basically, his word was never considered and his opinions brushed off. He found it was... infuriating not being taken seriously because he didn't act aggressive or brash.

That was fine though, he could handle it. He kept telling himself that even as the whiskey in his glass stared back at him dauntingly. Fuck, how did it get this bad?

He never slipped up, never stopped being a calm presence in everyone else's lives, how could he screw up his own life so badly? Maybe he went wrong in life after his first failed attempt on his life when he was a teen.

Maybe his life was never meant to be ok.

That's ok. Sure it's ok. Can't mess something up that was never meant to get very far, even if it lead him to an untimely death.

Maybe. Ok, maybe it wasn't fine and Glass was just talking out his ass now.

When did the lines blur so violently? When did he become more "Glass" than "Simon"? Well he certainly broke like glass, could fall a couple times until he shattered completely. Or maybe he already shattered and he was just experiencing a bad life reflection.

What a life he lead, what a laugh! Come on, come in closer, look into his broken rib cage and shattered lungs and take a look at a poor excuse of a heart that somehow still beats. Look at his skin, cracked and missing pieces, his eyes are hollow and reflect back false happiness from others around him, he is a mirror of those around him. He is a piece of one sided glass.

What is there left to think about now?

Simons glass is now empty, and the bottle of whiskey next to him is only half way full.

That reminds him of the saying "glass half full or glass half empty".

Glass thinks it's neither, it's just a glass, it could be filled again or it could be left alone to dwindle. He guesses his glass was left to dwindle and now all he has left are drops of whatever was in his glass to begin with. Maybe it was poison. Maybe it was loneliness. Maybe it was nothing to begin with and he made something appear with what he made of his life on his own terms.

It's not that hard to pick up a glass and fill it up again. Maybe all Simon needs to do is find someone to pick up his glass and help him be full again. He always thought that personal relationships healed a lonely soul.

Maybe he needs to get back in the dating game. Or maybe not on second thought, trying to form meaningful relationships is hard, and staying together is harder.

Ok maybe he just gets an animal. This is slowly starting to lose its meaning to Glass. It's apparently not easy to find fulfillment in things around him. Maybe the therapist should go to therapy.

Just another thing to add to the list of things he should maybe get around to doing but he just doesn't because the thought of confronting his problems is harder than ignoring them.

There's a knock on his door.

"Oh uhm, come in?" Glass frantically puts on his glasses and kind of shuffles the whiskey glass off to the side to make it less noticeable.

Bright walks in to Simons room.

"Oh, Dr. Bright, what do you need?"

Bright made himself comfy on the couch next to Glass, not even saying a word, and takes a box out of his pocket.

"Here. I know you like these kinds of things and you seemed down all day today."

Bright passes Glass a box that he can now identify as a box of his favorite chocolates that are only available in a small town out in Nevada.

"How did you get these?" Glass was thankful but he knows Bright would of never gotten clearance to go off site just for a box of chocolates.

"Called in a few favors, not really anything too drastic really and you always help me out with how I feel and shit and I just wanted to give this to you as a thank you." Bright looked away as if he was embarrassed of doing a kind act for someone else than himself.

Glass felt tears clouding his eyes and it all went downhill from there.

"Ah! Wait wait wait, stop crying! Why are you crying?!" Bright looked over at glass with an expression that could of been hilarious given any other circumstance.

Bright opens his arms and crowds glass into his chest as a form of half assed comfort, Jack didn't know how to deal with Simon like this but he would sure as hell try to help him.

Glass is ugly sobbing at this point and gripping bright with a death hold, almost like he's afraid bright will disappear.

"Alright it's ok buddy, just let it all out. Your doing amazing bud just- uhh, take deep breathes."

Simons breath stuttered as he tried to regain some semblance of awareness, his head was pounding from the whiskey and the crying made it worse.

After a couple more minutes of Glass taking in deep breathes and bright rubbing his back in soothing circles he finally calmed down enough and let bright just hold him in his arms.

"I'm sorry..."

"It's ok Simon, we all need to be vulnerable sometimes, it apparently makes us human. Or so I've heard."

Glass sighs. Bright hums contently.

It's comfortable.

Alright, glass has it decided; he's going to start reaching out to people, personal relationships are reliable.

It's not gonna be easy to try and find people to be around but, Simon thinks he can start with Jack, and if he can be content with an immortal than it should be easy to start branching out to others.


Well then, I decided to write this while at my grandparents, something about projecting into characters just hits different.

As always, if you got a request, request, don't know when I'll get to it but I will see what I can do!

Also to the person who requested the scps reacting please, I swear I have it worked on and am still working on it, I'm just wonky currently.

Have a good day/night/afternoon/mornin!

Scp Doctor Oneshots (Mostly Bright)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu